On Aug. 31, U.S. Rep. Mark Green, Vanderbilt’s campus congressman, visited to meet with Chancellor Daniel Diermeier and participate in discussions with School of Medicine students and Bass Military Scholars. Green’s blend of experiences as a veteran, physician, business owner and congressman affords him a unique perspective on public policy, which he shared with the students.
In their conversation, Diermeier emphasized Vanderbilt’s growing impact on national security research and military engagement—highlighting its commitment to the SkillBridge program and the renewed Yellow Ribbon commitment. He also touched upon the Pathfinder-Air Assault research partnership between Vanderbilt and Fort Campbell, which is at the forefront of cutting-edge research and innovation in national security.
Green, R-TN 7th District, expressed appreciation for Vanderbilt’s unwavering dedication to helping veterans access higher education and successfully integrate into civilian life, as well as the university’s research efforts.

In time spent with students from the School of Medicine, Green focused on the value of public service within the medical field. His insights, stemming from his roles as a physician and legislator, encouraged aspiring medical professionals to consider the broader impact of their work and the role of public service within health care.
It is “critical and essential” to have physicians involved in public policy, he said, and he noted that it takes an insider’s perspective to truly understand how policy affects patients.
Finally, Green met with participants from the Bass Military Scholars program. During the session, scholars shared their stories, highlighting how the program and Vanderbilt University have played a pivotal role in helping them achieve their goals and advance their careers.
“Engaging and collaborating with elected officials is vital for advancing Vanderbilt’s mission,” Associate Vice Chancellor for Federal Relations Christina West said of Green’s visit to campus. “Hosting Rep. Mark Green, a veteran and our local member of Congress, on campus allowed us to strengthen these partnerships and amplify our shared dedication to serving our nation and driving innovation in critical areas of national security. We look forward to identifying additional ways to partner with him to advance our shared priorities.”