Beginning Wednesday, March 8, the construction fencing around Kirkland Hall will expand to fully enclose Kirkland Circle between Warren and Moore Colleges and E. Bronson Ingram College. The fence line also will expand slightly to the south, closing the sidewalk immediately adjacent to the existing fence line. Please refer to the below illustration to identify details of the impact.
Pedestrian access within campus will not change significantly. Pedestrians coming from Warren and Moore or E. Bronson Ingram College will continue to be routed south around Kirkland Hall using existing sidewalks accompanied by on-site signage.
The Warren and Moore and E. Bronson Ingram College sidewalks adjacent to Kirkland Esplanade will close, re-routing pedestrian access to West End Avenue. The West End sidewalk and Walk and Roll Loop will remain accessible to the east via 21st Avenue South or west via 23rd Avenue.
Two blue light phones will be moved outside of the expanded fence line and will remain usable. Vehicular access to Lots 2 and 3 will remain open using the entrances on Kirkland Circle.
There will be an additional fencing expansion in May, with more details released near the time of expansion.
For questions or concerns, please contact the Facilities Department at Students who would like to request a disability-related accommodation can reach out to Student Access at