New Global Strategy Committee to think big about putting Vanderbilt on international stage

Chancellor Daniel Diermeier and Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs C. Cybele Raver jointly have appointed a Global Strategy Committee, which includes faculty from all 10 colleges and schools. The committee’s formation, along with the recently launched Global Scholars in Residence program, are part of a campus-wide strategy to grow Vanderbilt University’s reputation and collaboration worldwide. This builds on the work previously done by the International Strategy Working Group. 

“Our faculty and students engage in world-class discovery and scholarship every day and deserve a world-class reputation,” Diermeier said. “Our international commitments extend to every corner of the university, and this committee will help us engage the global community with bold initiatives for even more collaboration and shared discovery.” 

During its initial meeting, Raver charged the Global Strategy Committee to pursue practical and moonshot proposals that advance the university’s scholarship, reputation and impact, enhance student experience and boost recruiting of global talent.  

A university-wide effort, the committee is co-chaired by Tiffiny Tung, vice provost for undergraduate education, and Duco Jansen, senior associate dean for graduate education and faculty affairs in the School of Engineering. Joining them are representatives from the 10 colleges and schools at Vanderbilt as well as four vice provosts in ex officio capacities. Each committee member has extensive international research or collaboration experience, as well as insight into their peers’ needs and aspirations for global growth.  

The committee will meet regularly and then deliver its recommendations to the chancellor and provost in June. The members will collaborate on campuswide initiatives, as well as college- and school-specific initiatives, that overcome barriers to global engagement and find ways to expand shared discovery for faculty and students around the globe.  

Members of the Global Strategy Committee and their representative schools are: 

  • E. Duco Jansen, co-chair; senior associate dean for graduate education and faculty affairs, School of Engineering 
  • Tiffiny A. Tung, co-chair; vice provost for undergraduate education
  • Hiba Baroud, Littlejohn Dean’s Faculty Fellow and associate professor of civil and environmental engineering
  • Celso Castilho, associate professor of history and director, Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latinx Studies
  • Walter Chazin, Chancellor’s Chair in Medicine and professor of biochemistry and chemistry
  • Kate Clouse, associate professor of nursing
  • Xiu Cravens, associate dean for international students and affairs, Peabody College of education and human development 
  • Ji Hye Jung, associate professor of percussion
  • Mumin Kurtulus, associate professor of operations management
  • Dave Michelson, associate professor of the history of Christianity
  • Bunmi Olatunji, associate provost for graduate education
  • Jessica Oster, associate professor of earth and environmental sciences
  • Vesna Pavlovic, professor of art
  • Ed Rubin, University Distinguished Professor of Law and Political Science
  • Kevin Stack, Lee S. and Charles A. Speir Professor and professor of law
  • Tracey George (ex officio), vice provost for faculty affairs
  • Tracy Sharpley-Whiting (ex officio), vice provost of arts and libraries
  • Elizabeth J. Zechmeister (ex officio), associate provost for research and innovation

To learn more about the Global Strategy Committee, contact a committee member in your school or email Anne Marie Helm at