Students invited to volunteer for Clinton Global Initiative University and Day of Action service projects

President Clinton with CGI U students

Vanderbilt University will serve as the host campus for the Clinton Global Initiative University annual meeting March 3–5, and Vanderbilt students are invited to volunteer.

The gathering is an opportunity for students from around the world to collaborate with influential leaders, experts and innovators on solving humanity’s most pressing problems.

As this year’s annual CGI U meeting will bring more than 800 visitors to campus, Vanderbilt and the Clinton Foundation are seeking student volunteers to help execute the event. The CGI U event team relies heavily on the student volunteer cohort for tasks such as serving as on-campus hosts, assisting with the production and logistics of the event, and helping the press, media team and program team. Volunteers will work on Friday, March 3, and Saturday, March 4. Before the event, volunteers will be required to attend a training session either over Zoom on Tuesday, Feb. 28, from 6 to 6:45 p.m. or at Sarratt Cinema on Thursday, March 2, from 6 to 6:45 p.m.

Click here to register to volunteer on March 3 and March 4.

As a thank you for their service, student volunteers will have the opportunity to attend a CGI U session of their choosing and are encouraged to join the Day of Action on Sunday, March 5. Student volunteers also will receive CGI U and Vanderbilt swag items.

In addition to Friday’s and Saturday’s programming, CGI U and Vanderbilt will bring together volunteers on March 5 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for a Day of Action—an opportunity to provide meaningful community service on and off Vanderbilt’s campus. Through a partnership with Hands On Nashville, the CGI U community will provide food to families with Second Harvest Food Bank, prepare flashcards and school supplies for students with PENCIL, and clear land for an upcoming cultural center with the Native American Indian Association of Tennessee.

Click here to register for the Day of Action; any member of the university community, including students, faculty and staff, can participate. Please select your appropriate Vanderbilt affiliation.

Please email with any questions.