Important reminders about campus parking, transportation and mobility 

As the new semester begins, the Transportation and Mobility Office is sharing some reminders about commuting, parking and mobility options for the campus community. 

Commute Concierge 

  • Commute Concierge services are available to the Vanderbilt University community, including instruction on how to ride public transit, planning group excursions and more. Learn more. 


  • Free helmets are available by contacting Please indicate if you would like a small, medium or large helmet.
  • Metro Nashville’s dockless e-bike program is a new transportation option for off-campus trips. Currently, electric bicycles and scooters rented through scooter vendors are not allowed within some geofenced areas of campus. Personally-owned electric bicycles and scooters are allowed.

Ride a WeGo busPublic Transit 

  • Vanderbilt provides all full-time and part-time students, faculty, staff and postdocs with free access to WeGo local and regional buses, commuter train and paratransit services with their physical Commodore Card. This service is available for any place and time, not only when commuting to and from campus. 
  • Visit to learn more, including routes and easy destinations to and from campus. 

Parking Enforcement 

  • Be sure to park nose-in (do not back into or pull through parking spaces). Your license plate is part of your virtual parking permit and must be visible to parking enforcement officers. Failure to park nose-in may result in a citation.  
  • Electric vehicle charging parking spaces are reserved for two-hour charging only. You must move your car to a regular spot after the two hours expire. 
  • Tennessee issued new license plates throughout 2022. If you are enrolled in the daily parking program or have an annual parking permit, you must update your vehicle’s registration information whenever you receive a new license plate number. 

Daily Parking 

  • Daily parking is available on a rolling basis; applications are processed monthly. While waiting for daily parking garage access, please consider… 
  • Sustainable commute options (walk, bike, bus, train, carpool or vanpool), hourly parking options or a one-month parking permit, which can be purchased at the Parking Services office. 
  • Log sustainable commutes in the MoveVU Commute Calendar or Luum app to earn $0.50 per weekday for walking, biking, carpooling, vanpooling, or taking the bus or train. Vehicle ownership is not required to participate in daily parking and earn sustainable commute incentives. 

Hourly Paid Parking 

For more information about parking and commute options, visit the MoveVU website or email the MoveVU Commute Concierge at