New caregiver online forums now available for Vanderbilt community members with children

The University Working Group on Schools and Childcare has announced that the new Vanderbilt caregivers online forums launched this week for VU community members to connect and exchange ideas and resources regarding child care solutions and arrangements beyond Vanderbilt’s campus.

“We wanted to first provide a tool to aid our community in connecting with each other regarding low-cost, flexible, community-based options for their most pressing needs,” Ben Harris, incoming Faculty Senate vice chair and Blair School of Music senior lecturer, said.

There are several forums available including:

  • General Caregivers Forum
  • Metro Nashville Schools
  • Cheatham and Dickson County Schools
  • Robertson County Schools
  • Rutherford County Schools
  • Sumner County Schools
  • Williamson and Dickson County Schools
  • Wilson County Schools
  • Private Schools

Educational and online school-related topics also may be discussed in the forums. The site also has links to family life resources from the Vanderbilt Child and Family Center and free at-home learning resources from Metro Nashville.

The online forums are available at

The University Working Group on School and Childcare advises university leadership by providing feedback and recommendations that allow the university to best support the child care needs of faculty, staff, postdoctoral scholars and graduate/professional students during these uncertain times. The working group is chaired by Kathleen Seabolt, executive director of the Vanderbilt Child and Family Center, and Ben Harris, Faculty Senate vice chair and Blair School of Music senior lecturer. As resources are identified and developed by the working group, they will be shared with the VU community.