Diermeier shares message of optimism, announces upcoming virtual gatherings with Vanderbilt community

Incoming Chancellor Daniel Diermeier shared a message this week with the Vanderbilt community and announced a series of virtual gatherings throughout the month of June for students and their families, staff, faculty and alumni.

In his message, Diermeier expressed pride in how the Vanderbilt community has stepped up to address many hardships and challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, including quarantines, the move to online teaching and learning during the spring and summer, and the temporary setting-aside of time-honored traditions such as Commencement.

“Yet, despite the very real threat of the pandemic, I am filled with optimism,” Diermeier said. “This great university has the power to make things better—not just for our own community, but for the world.”

Diermeier also announced that he would host a series of virtual gatherings for members of the university community, during which he will discuss what he believes sets Vanderbilt apart and share his vision for positioning the university for even greater success in the future.

Each gathering, in the form of a webinar, will stream live on YouTube, with recordings made available after the live events. Students, faculty and staff received email invitations with information on how to register for their respective gatherings. Registration information for alumni will be emailed in early June.

  • Alumni—Thursday, June 18, noon
    • Introduction by Tim Warnock, president-elect, Vanderbilt Alumni Association Board of Directors
    • Q&A with Claire Sisco King, associate professor of communication studies

Register for the alumni gathering »

  • Students/families – Wednesday, June 3, noon
    • Introduction by Bruce Evans, chairman, Vanderbilt University Board of Trust
    • Q&A with Veer Shah, president, 2020-21 Vanderbilt Student Government

Watch the recording on YouTube »

  • Staff – Monday, June 8, noon
    • Introduction by and Q&A with Jeff Loudon, president, University Staff Advisory Council

Watch the recording on YouTube »

  • Faculty – Tuesday, June 9, noon
    • Introduction by John McLean, Stevenson Professor of Chemistry; chair, Faculty Senate
    • Q&A with Catherine McTamaney, associate professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; chair-elect, Faculty Senate

Watch the recording on YouTube »

Diermeier noted that during these uncertain times, the Vanderbilt community has demonstrated its full commitment to using its knowledge and resources to better our world. “As the incoming leader of this great and storied institution, I can think of no higher—no more noble, no more energizing—pursuit than that.”