New employee recognition strategy launched

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Earlier this year, the Vanderbilt University Human Resources department formed a Recognition Strategy Task Force Committee to create a recognition strategy that would guide the university’s efforts in enhancing the Employee Appreciation and Recognition programs. The committee was charged with helping to define Vanderbilt’s philosophy in order to:

  • Appreciate people for their individual talents, skills and diversity of thought.
  • Create an atmosphere that fosters good relationships at all levels.
  • Recognize accomplishments in a timely manner and celebrate successes as they occur.

Work by the following Recognition Strategy Task Force Committee members helped bring the new strategy to fruition: Kelsey Anito, Pam Brown, Scott Eller, Kara Furlong, Scott Glasgow, Gwen Hopkins, Becky Keck, Angela Land-Dedrick, Sarah Little, Jenny Mandeville, Erik Smetana, Jermaine Soto, Kiley Stokes and Anna Thomas.

The new recognition mission and strategy can be found online on the Recognition page.

For questions on how to start or enhance your department’s recognition program, contact Scott Glasgow, senior special events coordinator.