Make a change for life: Attend upcoming Diabetes Prevention Program info sessions

Health Plus is offering new sessions of the national Diabetes Prevention Program​ for faculty, staff and/or their spouses with prediabetes or a history of gestational diabetes.

The Diabetes Prevention Program is proven to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes. The focus is on developing skills to lose weight, be more physically active and manage stress. Participants meet regularly in a group setting with a trained lifestyle coach.

There is no charge for this one-year program, which provides consistent follow up to help participants maintain healthy lifestyle changes and have fun along the way.

Attend a 20-minute information session to learn more:

  • Tuesday, Aug. 15, noon – 241 Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
  • Monday, Aug. 21, 4:30 p.m. – 415 Light Hall
  • Wednesday, Aug. 23, 7:30 a.m. – 415 Light Hall
  • Thursday, Aug. 24, noon – C2209 Medical Center North

Health Plus provides resources to support the health of Vanderbilt faculty and staff.