University News and Communications publishes VUToday, a compilation of Vanderbilt mentions in the media, each weekday. Here, read a selection of those Vanderbilt news stories for the week of May 1. To subscribe to the daily VUToday newsletter, visit
CNN: ‘Alarming’ rise in children hospitalized with suicidal thoughts or actions
The percentage of younger children and teens hospitalized for suicidal thoughts or actions in the United States doubled over nearly a decade, according to new research that will be presented Sunday at the 2017 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting. Gregory Plemmons, presenter of the study and associate professor of clinical pediatrics, is quoted.
U.S. News & World Report: Diversity fly-in programs make campus visits accessible
College diversity programs that pay for high-achieving high school seniors—who are usually low-income, first-generation or students of color—to visit campus, give teens who can’t afford to travel out of state for a college tour the opportunity to try the college experience. Vanderbilt University is mentioned as paying for admitted students and one of their parents to fly out for a day, with the option of an overnight trip.
The Financial Times: The fearless market ignores perils ahead
For thousands of traders, investors and financiers, it eventually became known as Wall Street’s “fear gauge”, a clean numeric representation of how relaxed or horrified financial markets are. In this article, Robert Whaley, Valere Blair Potter Professor of Finance, is noted for his role in laying the groundwork for the finance industry’s most popular representation of terror: The Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index, or Vix for short. Whaley is quoted. (subscription required)
National Public Radio: Pre-K: Decades worth of studies, one strong message
Some of the nation’s top researchers who’ve spent their careers studying early childhood education recently got together in Washington, D.C., with one goal in mind: to cut through the fog of studies and the endless debates over the benefits of preschool. And they came away with one clear, strong message: Kids who attend public preschool programs are better prepared for kindergarten than kids who don’t. The findings come in a report “The Current State of Scientific Knowledge on Pre-Kindergarten Effects,” and the authors include big names from the early childhood world, including Mark W. Lipsey, research professor of human and organizational development and director of Peabody Research Institute.
Vox: This is how Obamacare explodes
Congress is far from repealing Obamacare, but in eastern Tennessee—a part of the country that predominantly supported President Trump in the election—the law could vanish next year whether a vote happens or not. Its residents cannot sign up for the law’s Medicaid expansion because the state does not participate in that program, and next year, those residents may not have the option to use Obamacare’s health marketplaces either. John Graves, assistant professor of health policy and medicine, is quoted.