Year: 2015
Fortune named ‘mentor of the year’ by CASE III
Vice Chancellor for Public Affairs Beth Fortune is the recipient of the Mentor of the Year Award from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, District III. Read MoreJan 26, 2015
W-2 forms mailed this week; also available in C2HR
W-2 forms will be mailed this week to employees. Your form will be sent to the most current mailing address in C2HR, typically your home address. Read MoreJan 26, 2015
Immune response depends on force
New studies explain how T-cell receptors use force to recognize and protect us against pathogens. Read MoreJan 26, 2015
Juliet Crupi, BS’04, and seeds of change
With nothing more than a willingness to make a difference and a $150 grant, high school science teacher Juliet Crupi was able to turn an inner-city after-school club into a nationally recognized program aimed at changing the relationships among her students, food and the community. Read MoreJan 25, 2015
Our favorite #vandygram photos of the week
Martin Luther King Day celebrations, Black & Gold Day visits from prospective students, sunny-and-60-degree days to a late-night snowfall: Our favorite #vandygram photos have it all. Photo by @deuterzion_ Share your campus photos with us by tagging them #vandygram. See more of our favorites from this week »… Read MoreJan 24, 2015
Humane dispersal of roosting crows is underway
Plant Operations will implement distress calls and other noisemakers in an effort to drive roosting birds from campus. Read MoreJan 23, 2015
Homeward Bound: A Nurse-Parent Partnership
Taking your child home from the hospital after surgery can be very difficult and scary, trying to meet their many medical needs. But Homeward Bound, a program developed by nurses at Vanderbilt, helps make that transition easier as Barb Cramer reports. Read MoreJan 23, 2015
Vanderbilt Recreation and Wellness Center announces new programs
The Vanderbilt Recreation and Wellness Center has announced new programs for fitness and fun. Read MoreJan 23, 2015
Duvall earns Society for Biomaterials Young Investigator Award
Craig Duvall has received a Society for Biomaterials 2015 Young Investigator Award. Read MoreJan 23, 2015
Vanderbilt researchers call for more transparency with passive investing revenue
Many investment companies earn revenue through securities lending without necessarily looping in the customers whose money is used to fund the investments, Vanderbilt researchers say. Read MoreJan 23, 2015
Vanderbilt poet gives voice to traumatic memories
Beth Bachman's latest poetry collection focuses on the effect of traumatic memories on soldiers and others affected by war. Read MoreJan 23, 2015
New view of dopamine heteromers
Although heteromeric dopamine receptors composed of both D1 and D2 subunits have been proposed to play a role in depression and schizophrenia, recent studies suggest these heteromers do not exist. Read MoreJan 23, 2015
International scholars to visit Eakin school Jan. 27-30
Vanderbilt’s Hubert H. Humphrey fellows will share their cultures with students at Eakin Elementary School. Read MoreJan 23, 2015
New clues to the lives of Grassmere slaves
A new study reveals details about the slaves who lived and died at Grassmere Plantation—now home to the Nashville Zoo. Read MoreJan 22, 2015
Duvall to receive 2015 Society for Biomaterials Young Investigator Award for regenerative medicine research
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering Craig L. Duvall has received a Society for Biomaterials 2015 Young Investigator Award for his achievements in the field of biomaterials research within 10 years of receiving his doctorate. Read MoreJan 22, 2015
Ancient Civilizations of the Americas by Anna Guengerich 1.22.2015
Watch video of Osher Lifelong Learning Institute winter term on January 22nd, “Ancient Civilizations of the Americas”, Anna Guengerich, Ph.D., Anthropology… Read MoreJan 22, 2015
Beta cell link to fasting glucose
New findings explain why variation in a particular gene is the most important determinant of fasting blood glucose levels in humans. Read MoreJan 22, 2015
New signaling pathway provides clues to obesity
A Vanderbilt University-led research team has discovered a molecular “rheostat” in the brain’s appetite control center that may provide new insights into obesity, which is at epidemic levels in this country. Read MoreJan 22, 2015
New data mining method reveals cancer-driving genes
Prospecting for genes that might be implicated in cancer, a Vanderbilt University Medical Center research team has struck pay dirt. Read MoreJan 22, 2015
Pediatric Orthopaedics icon Green’s contributions honored
Neil Green, M.D., former director and chief of the Division of Pediatric Orthopaedics at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt, has retired after 38 years of service to Vanderbilt. Read MoreJan 22, 2015