Pre-K discussion draws Nashville stakeholders
Creating and maintaining high-quality pre-kindergarten programs that prepare students for school and shrink achievement gaps was the topic of discussion at a panel discussion in September at the Nashville Public Library’s downtown branch. Mark Lipsey and Dale Farran led the discussion. The panel included (from left): Mark Lipsey, director of the Peabody Research Institute and research professor; Mary Louise Hemmeter, professor of special education; Deborah Rowe, professor of teaching and learning; David Dickinson, Margaret Cowan Professor; Dale Farran, Antonio M. and Anita S. Gotto Professor in Teaching and Learning; DeAnna McClendon, director of early childhood programs, Shelby County Schools; and Lisa Wiltshire, executive director, Office of Early Learning, Tennessee Department of Education, and former director of early learning innovation for Metro Nashville Public Schools.

Diversity lecture series kicks off with a conversation about race
The first installment of the Dean’s Diversity Lecture Series kicked off in September with “A Conversation on Race, Symbolism and Diversity” at the Wyatt Center Rotunda. Panelists included Paul K. Conkin, Vanderbilt Distinguished Professor Emeritus, history; Ebony McGee, assistant professor of education, diversity and urban schooling at Peabody; John L. Jackson Jr., dean of the School of Social Policy and Practice at the University of Pennsylvania; and Lucius T. Outlaw Jr., Vanderbilt professor of philosophy.

Sixth Humphrey Fellows cohort represents eight countries
Peabody’s sixth cohort of Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows arrived on campus and have begun their year of professional development and community service. The cohort represents eight countries from around the world. Back, from left: Wellington Oboh of Nigeria, Xiaolin Li of China, Olto Thomas of Papua New Guinea, Khin Mon Nyein of Myanmar, Tahira Akhtar of Pakistan, Issa Toure of Cote d’Ivoire, Leila Afkhami of Iran, Soe Than of Myanmar and Gabriela Zazpe of Uruguay; and front: Khan Zada of Pakistan.

Robinson-Nichols named in new diversity leadership role
Monique Robinson-Nichols was named associate dean for students and equity, diversity and inclusion in November. The newly created position is a promotion for Robinson-Nichols, who has been serving as the college’s assistant dean for student affairs. “We all have benefited from working with Dean Robinson-Nichols over the last few years as she cared for our students, especially those in distress,” said Camilla P. Benbow, Patricia and Rodes Hart Dean of Education and Human Development. “We all have gained much from her wisdom, courage and strategic thinking. And it is fitting that we ask her to expand her duties to assist us as Peabody, with other Vanderbilt colleges and schools, works to address issues of diversity and inclusivity. I am personally grateful to have her counsel and leadership.” Robinson-Nichols is a Peabody alumna, having earned a master of education in student personnel services in 1994 and a doctor of education degree in higher education administration in 2002. She has served as assistant dean at Peabody since 2011. Before that she was director of student life and diversity services at Volunteer State Community College, in Gallatin, Tennessee.