If you have thought about quitting smoking, consider using the Great American Smokeout, Nov. 20, as your quit date.
The first days and weeks of quitting can be tough. You may have uncomfortable feelings or cravings. An important part of your quit plan is preparing for these challenges.
Remember, cravings come and go, and typically last only five to 10 minutes. Make your own list of things to do when a craving hits. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Get active. Take a walk or climb a flight of stairs.
- Relax. Take deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Repeat 10 times or until you’re feeling more relaxed.
- Play. Download the Zombie Smokeout Mobile Game. The best part is when you’re squirting zombies, you’re not smoking!
- Call someone who is supportive.
- Get your free tool kit. A variety of useful items are included in this useful kit, including a book, mints, quick tips and more. Stop by Health Plus or call (615) 343-8943 to get one.
Learn more about tobacco cessation resources.
Health Plus is part of Faculty/Staff Health and Wellness.