Peabody Research Office wins Telly Awards

Lyle Jackson, media content producer for Peabody Research Office in the Dean’s Office of External Relations, received notification that he has won three Telly Awards for his video works created on behalf of Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development.

They are:

Jackson (Vanderbilt)

2013 Bronze Award: Teaching and Learning in Urban Schools – Non-Broadcast Productions – Education (for academic use)

2013 Bronze Award: Teaching and Learning in Urban Schools – TV Programs, Segments or Promotional Pieces – Editing

2013 Bronze Award: Abu Dhabi Leadership Development Project – TV Programs, Segments or Promotional Pieces – Editing

The Telly Awards honors very best film and video productions, groundbreaking online video content, and outstanding local, regional and cable TV commercials and programs.

This makes 11 Telly Awards for Jackson.