Year: 2012
Newborn star’s spots confirm stellar growth theory
The latest observations of a newly born star have found that it has a pair of spots on its surface that are heated to more than one million degrees. The presence of these spots confirms a theory for how stellar infants grow advanced by Professor of Astronomy David Weintraub and a colleague. Read MoreJul 10, 2012
Dyer Observatory UFO contest winners: A correction and a note from the editor
When choosing our contest winners, our judges accidentally attributed each winning answer to the author of the answer before it. Read MoreJul 9, 2012
Hothouse for Scientists: Undergraduates work alongside seasoned researchers
The Systems Biology and Bioengineering Undergraduate Research Experience Searle Undergraduate Research Initiative is one of only a handful of multiyear, year-round undergraduate research programs in the nation. Read MoreJul 9, 2012
Stock up on discounted Vandy gear at Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt has customized black and gold apparel from a wide variety of vendors, including Ralph Lauren. (John Russell/Vanderbilt) Vanderbilt’s football home opener may be two months away, but at Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt, Commodore fans are already gearing up for… Read MoreJul 9, 2012
All steps of Go for the Gold now ready
All three steps of the nationally award-winning Go for the Gold program are now ready to complete. Step One: Complete your yearly Health Risk Assessment to learn more about your health risks. Step Two: The Wellness Actions Log is new for 2012. View it soon, so you have plenty… Read MoreJul 6, 2012
VUMC leaders: ‘The Future is All Around Us’
A team of writers and reporters from VUMC News and Communications spoke to a selected group of Medical Center leaders about where they think the opportunities and challenges lie in the decade ahead, and the part that all of us play as we move ahead together. Read MoreJul 6, 2012
Hutton Hotel offering VU discount
The Hutton Hotel offers a wide variety of amenities, including chic, ultra-modern decor. Image courtesy of Nashville’s Hutton Hotel is offering a special rate – $100 per night – for Vanderbilt staff and faculty in July and August on the following dates: July 27-28,… Read MoreJul 6, 2012
Discovery of new sub-atomic particle a major leap forward
Vandy physicists working on the Large Hadron Collider respond to the announcement that the collaboration has found a new subatomic particle that may be the long-sought Higgs boson. Read MoreJul 6, 2012
Winners of UFO identification contest named
An unidentified object captured by the Dyer Observatory during the Venus transit. (Dyer Observatory/Vanderbilt) Our UFO has been identified and we have a four-way tie. The objects crossing the Sun during the Venus transit were distant aircraft. The explanations of our winners were well thought out and included… Read MoreJul 6, 2012
Wendy Kopp, founder of Teach for America
Wendy Kopp, founder and CEO of Teach for America and Teach for All, participated in a roundtable discussion with select Peabody faculty and administrators while on campus for a public lecture in January. Read MoreJul 5, 2012
Department of Human and Organizational Development faculty and students played a key role in securing a Promise Neighborhood Planning Grant awarded to Nashville’s Martha O’Bryan Center. The grant is one of only 15 nationwide, including just three in the South. The Nashville Promise Neighborhood Initiative plans to provide effective cradle-to-career… Read MoreJul 5, 2012
Evolutionary perspective illuminates controversial economic theory
Groundbreaking new research in the field of “evolutionary analysis in law” not only provides additional evidence that chimpanzees share the controversial human psychological trait known as the endowment effect – which in humans has implications for law – but also shows the effect can be turned on or off for single objects, depending on their immediate situational usefulness. Read MoreJul 5, 2012
The Face of the Institution
Current students show that Peabody still draws the best for their student body. Read MoreJul 5, 2012
The Most Important Asset
The Leadership and Organizational Performance program trains students who cultivate workforce leaders. Read MoreJul 5, 2012
Principals’ Leadership and Leadership Principles
For much of the past century, the typical role of the school principal was to serve as the manager-in-chief, an administrator who made sure the boilers worked, the buses ran on time and new teachers were hired and placed in classrooms. In the wake of school reform during the last decade, however, the role of the principal has changed dramatically. For today's principals, Peabody is creating professional development to provide a whole new skill set. Read MoreJul 5, 2012
Summer 2012 Staff
Illustration © 2012 by David Vogin ( Visit Peabody College’s website at Bonnie Arant Ertelt, Editor Donna Pritchett, Art Director Michael Smeltzer, Designer Nelson Bryan, Class Notes Editor Contributors: Joanne Lamphere Beckham, Kurt Brobeck, Lisa DuBois, Brent Meredith, Katie Payne, Jan Read, Cindy Thomsen,… Read MoreJul 5, 2012
From the Dean
In the winter issue of the Reflector, we examined “the embattled teacher” and the challenges faced both by current teachers and those who aspire to enter the profession. Read MoreJul 5, 2012
Readers Write
Small Pleasures One of life’s small pleasures for me is sitting with a cup of tea on my patio relaxing in sunny California reading the Peabody Reflector. The winter 2012 issue was no exception. While I enjoy the overall format, photographs and layout of the magazine, I particularly enjoy reading… Read MoreJul 5, 2012
Agents of change
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows studying at Peabody this year helped paint a firehouse on the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service on Dr. King’s birthday. The above photo was taken at Firestation 25, White’s Creek. The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows journeyed to Franklin, Tenn., on February… Read MoreJul 5, 2012
Four named AERA fellows
Joseph Murphy Richard Lehrer Steve Graham Lynn Fuchs The American Educational Research Association has selected four Peabody faculty members to be AERA Fellows. Lynn Fuchs, Steve Graham, Richard Lehrer and Joseph Murphy are among 36 scholars nationwide named… Read MoreJul 5, 2012