Internet technology (IT) in 21st century higher education and its impact on libraries and IT departments will be the focus of a June 19 panel discussion in the Central Library’s Community Room.
The event, which begins at 10 a.m., will feature two higher education administrators who manage both IT and library services. They will discuss cooperative opportunities, merged models of service and challenges regarding information and technology in today’s academy.

The panelists are Michael D. Miller, vice provost for Information Services and chief information officer at California Polytechnic State University; and Robert Renaud, vice president of Library and Information Services and chief information officer at Dickinson College. Charles Henry, president of the Council on Library and Information Resources and dean of the Frye Leadership Institute, will serve as moderator.
Miller has extensive experience in designing and building learning environments and a special interest in the evolving model of the 21st century academic library. He has a master of professional studies degree in interactive telecommunications from New York University and a master of science in library and information science degree from Long Island University. Miller is also a fellow of the Frye Leadership Institute.

Renaud’s research interests focus on leadership in higher education, teamwork between information technology and library professionals, merged library and Information technology organizations and learning spaces. He holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Vassar College and a master of library science degree from the University of Toronto. He also completed the Frye Leadership Institute and the Institute for Educational Management at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education.

Henry co-founded the first all-digital university press when he was vice provost and university librarian at Rice University. He now serves on the board of the Center for Research Libraries and Tan Tao University in Vietnam. The former Fulbright scholar and Fulbright award winner has a doctorate in comparative literature from Columbia University.
A casual reception will follow the panel discussion, which is open to the Vanderbilt community.
Contact: Hilary Craiglow, (615) 343-4182