Implications of prenatal testing examined at Grand Rounds event April 13


It is now possible to receive a noninvasive prenatal test for Down syndrome that can be administered at 10 weeks of gestation and is reportedly 99 percent accurate. As technology advances and allows for genetic tests, such as MaterniT21, to be developed, what ethical considerations arise?

This topic will be explored at “Crossroads of Technology and Ethics: Implications of Prenatal Testing for Down Syndrome,” the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Research Ethics Grand Rounds, on Friday, April 13.

The event will begin at noon at the Kennedy Center/One Magnolia Circle, Room 241. A light lunch will be provided.

The panelists are:

  • Robert Hodapp, moderator, professor of special education and director of research at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center UCEDD
  • Frank Boehm, professor of obstetrics and gynecology and associate professor of radiology and radiological sciences
  • Martha Dudek, genetic counselor, senior associate in obstetrics and gynecology and associate in pediatrics
  • Christine Sartain, parent advocate

Contact: Courtney Taylor, (615) 322-5658