Readers Write

The Virtue in Virtuality

This is exciting and inspiring stuff! I applaud your work!

One comment regarding the quote “the most effective instructional technologies are the ones that require the fewest changes in behavior on the part of the teachers and the learners” [quoted by Andy van Shaack on pages 16-17 of the Summer 2011 Reflector]: I can agree IF those environments are already student-centered and personalized. In other words, if they have moved away from the didactic, teacher-centric approach. In well-implemented educational technology settings I have observed that this is usually the case.

Leslie Wilson
One-to-One Institute
Mason, Mich.

As a graduate of Peabody College, I was disturbed to see that the cover of the Summer 2011 Reflector featured artwork that defies the laws of mathematics. While I love Peabody with 133 percent of my heart, the pie chart, whose pieces totaled the same, do not represent the exceptional quality of educational instruction that Peabody proffers. I would urge the publication to more carefully review its choices in artwork.

Grant England, BS’09
St. Louis, Mo.

Editor’s note: The cover artwork was meant to imply the possibilities available when learning and technology cross paths. It in no way represents the quality of instruction at Peabody and Vanderbilt, but is meant to represent that the imagination can go many places, including defying known laws.

More Information, Please

I love this magazine. It feels cutting edge and also down-to-earth. However, I would appreciate actual notations in or at the end of articles indicating where to find the complete research described. For example, in your Summer 2011 issue, I would love to know more about the “Tennessee pre-K students see gain in early literacy” research (page 12 in the Around the Mall section). I realize that it may be that the research is not yet published. Are professors Lipsey and Farran open to emails about this work?

I imagine that others may feel similarly interested in more information on articles you print. Would it be reasonable, if professors are willing, to put a link for more info at the end of articles?

Thanks again for putting this magazine together!

Jane Hewitt, MS’78
Durham, N.C.

Editor’s note: When we have links to further information at press time, we try to include them at the end of articles, or we link to them in the online version of the Reflector. Further sources related to an individual faculty member’s research can be found at

More on the Watermelon Feast

On page 4 of the Summer 2011 issue of the Peabody Reflector, is a photo famous to the Peabody alumni of the 1950s. The picture is of Dr. Alfred Leland Crabb and Dr. Clifton Hall chowing down on watermelon, an on-campus feasting ceremony popular in that decade.

The editorial comment identifies Clifton Hall but neglects to say he was Professor Hall, who, among other things, taught an introductory French course while I was a student.  I will never forget his emphasis on the differences in spoken French in France vs. Quebec, Canada. “Remember!,” he would admonish us, “It’s pronounced K-bec, not Q-bec!” I never made it to France, but I was grateful to take Dr. Hall’s class.

For a link to Dr. Hall, and to Dr. J. Isaac Copeland, who was head librarian at Peabody for many years, visit:,Clifton_L.html.

Mary Kennan Herbert, BA’59
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Regarding the Summer 2011 Reflector, the picture on page 4 of the watermelon feast—Dr. Clifton Hall taught History of Education during my freshman year (1951). He was a great teacher; he kept you awake. He was also our Phi Chi Alpha faculty representative. Great memories! Thanks for the article!

Doug Horde, BS’56
Melbourne, Fla.