Whether in economics, politics or global affairs, we have all been struggling to make sense of a world that no longer feels very stable.
In such a climate, education offers our best refuge and remedy in a world where so much feels uncertain. The more we know about how the world really is, the greater our tolerance for complexity—and for each other. It bothers me that when we scapegoat teachers, schools and even higher education for our national ills, we deny our children the very resources needed to secure them against an unpredictable future.
As this issue of the Peabody Reflector seeks to make clear, Peabody faculty send our education alumni out into the world well prepared to navigate a profession beset by society’s demands of teachers. Young professionals like Brooke Fox Allen, BS’09, MEd’10, deserve our admiration and support.
Of course, Peabody-trained teachers are not the only ones characterized by altruism. Graduate students like Jill Robinson and recent graduate Nicole Garcia, whose essay is included here, represent the kind of research-based engagement with issues that partly defines our Department of Human and Organizational Development. In this instance, their efforts are directly helping to reduce the negative impacts of sex trafficking on women and society.
Students, faculty and programs alike have all been transformed by the success of Vanderbilt’s recently concluded Shape the Future campaign. To ensure that this momentum is maintained, the Opportunity Vanderbilt initiative will continue to seek resources to enable every deserving student to attend without regard to financial ability.
We are grateful for your support for both of these efforts, as we are for all you do to promote Peabody’s success.
Camilla P. Benbow
Patricia and Rodes Hart Dean of Education and Human Development