The Sustainability and Environmental Management Office (SEMO) and the American Studies Sustainability Project will sponsor the third installment of the Green Bag Luncheon Series on Wednesday, Nov. 16, from noon to 1 p.m. in Sarratt 189.
Join SEMO staff for a presentation and discussion on unique and creative ways you can reduce the environmental impact of your home and office holiday celebrations. So bring your lunch and join us to learn how to celebrate the holidays sustainably!
Anyone who attends will be eligible to receive giveaways relevant to environmentally-friendly holiday celebrations. Individuals who attend three or more sessions of the year-long Green Bag lunch series will be entered in a drawing to receive one of two larger giveaways!
All Green Bag lunches are free and open to Vanderbilt community members. A video of the session will be posted on the SustainVU and Vanderbilt News websites. You can find a list of upcoming Green Bag Lunch sessions at SustainVU’s Green Bag Luncheon Series page.
For more information about Vanderbilt’s sustainability program, visit SustainVU, become a fan of SEMO’s SustainVU Facebook page, or contact SEMO at SustainVU@vanderbilt.edu or 322-9022.
Contact: Sheri DiGiovanna, (615) 343-1963