Elisabeth Dykens, professor of psychology and human development and director of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, was appointed to the board of directors of Special Olympics International.
Donna Ford, professor of special education, received the 2011 Vanderbilt Black Student Alliance Distinguished Faculty Award.
Steve Graham, Currey-Ingram Professor of Special Education, will serve on the advisory board for research for the National Writing Project.
Craig Anne Heflinger, professor of human and organizational development and associate dean, received the Mentoring Award from Vanderbilt’s Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center.
Robert Jiménez, professor of education, has been selected for a Fulbright Specialist Award. He will work with peers at the Autonomous University of Yucatan in Merida, Mexico, on the inclusion of community literacy practices in teacher education.
Mark Lipsey, research professor of human and organizational development, was appointed by the U.S. Department of Justice to a newly created Science Advisory Board.
Bruce McCandliss, Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Psychology and Human Development, received one of six exploratory grants for collaborative research projects from the Vanderbilt International Office. His project, “Cross Cultural Investigations of Functional Brain Development for Attention and Language Skills,” is with Beijing Normal University (China) and Utrecht University (the Netherlands).
Rich Milner, associate professor of education, won the 2010 Carl A. Grant Multicultural Research Award from the National Association for Multicultural Education.
Torin Monahan, associate professor of human and organizational development, won the inaugural Surveillance Studies Book Prize for his book, Surveillance in the Time of Insecurity (Rutgers University Press, 2010).
Victoria Risko, professor of education, emerita, was inducted into the Reading Hall of Fame in May at the national convention of the International Reading Association in Orlando, Fla. Earlier this year, she was the keynote speaker at the Pan African Literacy Conference in Botswana, at the New Zealand Reading Association meeting in Roturoa, New Zealand, and at the European Literacy Conference in Mons, Belgium.
Sharon Shields, professor of the practice of human and organizational development, was inducted as a fellow of the North American Society of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance. She also received the Honor Award from the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance for her scholarly contributions, her innovative service-learning initiatives that impact communities, and her tireless efforts in support of Title IX.
Claire Smrekar, associate professor of leadership, policy and organizations, received an invitation and funding from Fudan University (China), one of Vanderbilt’s six international core partners, to conduct seminars on the social context for education and social organization of schools as a distinguished international lecturer.
Tamra Stambaugh, research assistant professor of special education, was selected to serve on the Praxis Gifted Education National Advisory Committee.
The Educational Leadership Learning Exchange (ELLE), Peabody’s partnership with Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools and South China Normal University, which is directed by Tom Ward, lecturer in education, was selected by the University Design Consortium for inclusion in the Innovation Clearinghouse of Good Practices.