Educators wishing to teach in Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) will have the opportunity to earn a Peabody master’s degree designed expressly for them beginning this summer.
The new program is focused on improving teaching in urban middle schools and is the result of a partnership between Peabody and MNPS. Sharon Yates, lecturer in education, will direct the new program.
“Peabody College and MNPS both share a goal of improving learning for Nashville’s students, and highly effective teachers make the critical difference,” Dean Benbow said. “We are very excited to be partnering with Metro on an innovative program like this.”

The program will prepare students to teach in upper elementary grades through grade eight with a focus on one of three areas: literacy, mathematics or science. It will be open to recent college graduates, as well as new and existing teachers.
“This program will serve multiple purposes,” MNPS Director of Schools Jesse Register said. “It will provide top training to our teachers, which will directly impact classroom instruction, and it will assist in our recruitment of the country’s most talented and promising young teachers.”
A primary goal of the new program, Teaching and Learning in Urban Schools, is recruiting and retaining excellent teachers who will continue teaching in MNPS schools after they graduate. The program will focus on improving instruction, improving student outcomes, changing assessment practices and creating communities of reflective, committed teachers dedicated to working with their MNPS colleagues to foster systemic improvement.
For more, visit Teaching and Learning in Urban Schools.