New Pre-Doctoral Fellows Program established

Peabody College has announced a competitive new Pre-Doctoral Fellows Program to assist Peabody doctoral candidates who are facing a growing void in the university job market due to the current economic climate. 

“We are offering a competitive program for Ph.D. students who have defended their dissertations and anticipate or may not be having success in the current job environment,” said Craig Anne Heflinger, associate dean for graduate education and associate professor of human and organizational development. “This would involve their staying on as Ph.D. students at Peabody while working on further professional development.”

The program will allow Ph.D. candidates up to two years of additional study and involves full-time effort in four areas: scholarship of teaching, research apprenticeship, systematic advanced methods training, and writing for publication. In addition to the more advanced training, the fellows will receive a monthly stipend, health insurance and activity fees.

All Peabody Ph.D. students seeking faculty positions at research universities nationally are eligible to apply for the fellows program. Students must have successfully defended dissertations but not yet been awarded degrees to start the fellowship. The fellowship positions are competitive and require an application, nominations by a faculty member and the director of graduate studies of the department as well as approval by Heflinger or James Hogge, associate dean for faculty and programs and professor of psychology. 

“The goal of the program is to have Ph.D. students who are more competitive when they enter the job market and better situated for more prestigious offers,” Heflinger said.

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