Over the past year, thanks to numerous alumni, parents and friends who stepped forward and made a gift to Peabody, our campaign has grown to $57.9 million. All of these gifts added to Peabody’s ambitious $60 million campaign goal as part of the university’s ongoing comprehensive campaign, Shape the Future.
As Peabody continues its emphasis on attracting outstanding students, our campaign continues to make scholarship support a top priority.
Interest in Vanderbilt and Peabody has never been greater. This year, applications for enrollment increased by more than 30 percent from highly qualified students from across the country and abroad. Scholarship opportunities help attract these talented young men and women—making it possible for them to attend. Your generosity helps ensure that our need-based financial aid is competitive and allows us to give more students an opportunity to attend a top-class educational institution like Peabody.
The importance of your annual gift…
While there are many ways to support Peabody, annual gifts are the foundation of philanthropy for the college and is important to our sustainability. Peabody’s goal this fiscal year (ending June 30, 2009) for unrestricted funds is $978,285.
Campaign Progress
Your gift, your generosity helps shape tomorrow’s leaders. Thank you.
This report reflects gifts made to Peabody College between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. Where known, alumnae of Peabody College and Vanderbilt University are listed by their full name. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. If an error has been made, we offer our sincerest apology and ask that you bring it to our attention by contacting the Peabody College Development and Alumni Relations Office at 615/322-8500.

Nick Lee, Class of 2009
Jamison Foundation and Lai Family Scholarships Recipient
Majors: Secondary Education and English Literature
Hometown: St. Louis, Mo.
Nick Lee first visited Vanderbilt the summer before his senior year in high school. It didn’t take long for him to know that this was the perfect fit for him.
“The second I walked on to campus, I knew that this was the place for me. I knew that I needed to be here, but I also knew that paying for it would be an issue,” Nick says.
But conversations with the financial aid office proved fruitful and Nick has happily been making the most of his time at Peabody. Aside from his class work, Nick is involved with Vanderbilt Catholic, the Vandy Fanatics and Beta Upsilon Chi (Brothers under Christ) fraternity.
“People always ask me what I like best about Peabody. The thing that has really impressed me is that people here just want to do good things out in the world. That’s really inspiring to me,” he added.
“The generosity that allows me to be here is just overwhelming. It just makes me want to put everything I can into my time here. To be able to come to this school is a true gift—and I know that I need to give a gift back one day.”
Christine Orlowski, Class of 2010
Peabody Appreciation Scholarship Recipient
Majors: Child Development and HOD
Hometown: Centennial, Colo.
Like many Peabody students, Christine Orlowski is eager to make her mark on the world after graduation. And she believes that her education will allow her to do just that. She is interested in working as a counselor at an elementary or middle school or working at a nonprofit.
“At Peabody the professors aren’t just teaching us facts and figures,” she says. “They really want us to get involved in the community and they’re really eager to help us change the world.”
Christine has been pleased with the practical aspects of her education and her child development training can be easily applied to real world situations.
“I have been really involved in the research labs, and it’s given me a lot of great experience that I can use later on—especially in psychology,” she says.
The generosity of the anonymous donors of Christine’s scholarship has made a real impression on her.
“I may not know exactly who provided my scholarship, but I am deeply grateful to whomever it is. I hope that someday down the road I can provide the same kindness to someone else.”
Colette Lelchuk, Class of 2011
Mina Latimer Lanham Scholarship Recipient
Major: HOD
Hometown: Little Neck, N.Y.
Colette Lelchuk has her sights set on a career in either advertising or marketing after graduation, and she’s confident that her Peabody experience will serve her well.
“I didn’t want to go to a school and focus on marketing immediately. I wanted to be able to get a full education and have options if something didn’t work out,” she says. “Vanderbilt had everything I really wanted with fantastic academics plus a spirited athletic atmosphere.”
Activities away from the classroom and athletics are important to Colette, and she spent time this summer putting together a club basketball team.
“I talked to area YMCAs and AAU teams, and they are all willing to play a club team from Vanderbilt,” she says. She is also a member of Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity and Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. With five older sisters, Colette is especially appreciative of her scholarship.
“When you have to put six kids through college, it’s always a struggle financially. I wouldn’t have been able to come here without the help. My benefactors should feel great about what they’re doing. I would love to be able to feel that same way in the future,” she added.
Billy Ripley, Class of 2010
Monteleone Family Scholarship Recipient
Major: HOD
Hometown: Newington, NH
Billy Ripley first left home in the 7th grade when he went to boarding school in Virginia. With that experience, he had some strong ideas about what he wanted in a college.
“I wanted a college that really felt like home, not just a place where I was taking classes,” he says. “With Vanderbilt you have the amazing campus, Nashville and the people are just happy to be here. It’s an unbeatable combination.”
And when it comes to academics, the flexible HOD major is a perfect fit.
“When I first read about HOD, it seemed like it would prepare me, no matter what I wanted to do in my career,” he says. “It—and Peabody—really just prepare you for life.”
Even though he’s not sure what career path he’ll follow, Billy is certain about his desire to give back to Peabody.
“The best way that I can thank the Monteleone family for my scholarship is to do the same thing for somebody else one day. I want to make sure that someone who couldn’t have done otherwise will have the same experience and opportunities that I’ve had.”
Cornelius Vanderbilt Founders Level
($25,000 and above)
United Way of Metro Nashville
The Reeves Foundation
The Wallace Foundation
Nashville Alliance for Public Education
Lumina Foundation for Education, Inc.
German Research Foundation (DFG)
Leon Lowenstein Foundation, Inc.
Lindsey Compton Drake
Karen and Douglas M. Dunn
Debra and Thomas Erickson
Eska Sessoms Garrison
Cathy and Warren J. Gorrell Jr.
Carolyn and Terry Hamby
Patricia Ingram Hart and
H. Rodes Hart
Sarah and James C. Kennedy
Charles Kurz II
Dorothy Kurz
Courtney Clark Pastrick and
R. Scott Pastrick
Jere and Alton W. Phillips
Cammie and John G. Rice
Mary Jo and Brian C. Rogers
Dorothy and Phillip E. Sadler
Mary and William T. Schleyer
Deborah T. and Jack E. Thomas Jr.
Cathy and Vincent J. Young
Chancellor’s Council
National Council of Jewish Women Laurie and David J. Benjamin
Amy and Edward S. Knight
Pam and John A. Koerner
Marguerite and Brian Landry
Pamela and Donald E. Larsen
Hillary H. Ling
Jean Gray Litterer
Edward Ralph MacKay
Courtney C. and
John William Madden
Rosalie Malizia
Anne Jackson and
Richard Allen Maradik
Alyne Queener Massey
Martin Bradley Masterson
Sissy and Sidney S. McAlister
Sara Sherwood McDaniel and
Allen Polk McDaniel
Suzanne Bigham McElwee
Ann Marie M. and
Martin F. McNamara
Wendy and David H. Meaden
Leila and Walter M. Mischer
Lauren and David Murphy
Ives Belle Wooley Ort and
Eddie P. Ort
Shirley Bryant Patterson and
Harold Dean Patterson
M. Carr Payne Jr.
Lynn Clayton and
Eugene B. Pennell
Marclyn Jean Dickes Porter and
Jerry Dene Porter
Robin and David Reynolds Puryear
Rebecca and Timothy Quigley
Hal Reed Ramer
Margaret Louise Riegel
Delphine Sloan Roberts and
Kenneth L. Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Rowan Jr.
Leona Schauble
Mildred Burdick Scheel
Carolyn N. and Chester A. Schmidt
Willodene Alexander Scott and
Ray Donald Scott
Virginia and
Nelson Severinghaus Jr.
Susan B. and Eugene B. Shanks
Faye and Charles E. Shelby
Diana L. Shields
Sharon Lee Shields
Jacqueline B. Shrago
Nancy and Harry Silver
Lori and Harmon W. Skurnik
Beth and Joel Spenadel
Lisa and Kevin Stallings
Ann Stark and
William W. Stark, Jr.
Alice and Kenneth W. Starr
B.F. Jerry Stephens
Virginia and Thomas Fisher Stovall
Elisabeth A. Taylor
Sarah Louise Trees
Cathy Wilson Turner and
William E. Turner
Kazuo Uechi
Shelton Sumner Unger and
Richard C. Unger Jr.
George Minister VanMeter
Susan Westbrook Vaughan and
Eugene H. Vaughan
Renee and Frank V. Ward
Linda Herring Welborn and
William R. Welborn
Mary and Michael G. Welsh
Kenneth Whitted
Catherine and John Bruce Williams Jr.
Linde B. and Blair J. Wilson
Annick Margot Winokur
Ruth A. and Mark Wolery
young alumni members
For Alumni Out Of School Less Than 10 Years
Susan and Michael Brandt
Catherine Ann Crecion
Pamela Anne Ferguson
Ashley Levien
Katherine Louise O’Quinn
Edward Allen Reynolds
Mary King Tilt
Rita M. Weighill
Justin William Willis
United Way of Williamson County Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
Hays Advisory Group LLC
Grand Cru Fine Wines & Spirits
Keown Enterprises LLC
PM Events
Matco Tools Corporation
The Pingry Corporation
New Level C.D.C.
Judy Ritter Alford and
Donald E. Alford
Mary Lauren Barfield Allen and
Lawson C. Allen
Cherry Allen
Jo Anne Craig Anderson
Judy and Byron Scott Anderson
G. Thomas Andrews
Vera Wiseman Archer
Elenora and William S. Asbury
James Wade Ash
Edward R. Atkinson Jr.
Joan Cowling Banks and
Larry S. Banks
Mary and Edmund Bartlett III
Donna L. Bascom and
Paul A. Biddleman
Edward J. Boling
Louis Mead Bourchard
Glen David Bowman
Benjamin Adam Boyer
Leonard Bradley
Stephanie and James P. Brakefield
Mary Ann Brown
Jan and John G. Brunner
Eliza and Stuart Brunson
Sarah Lytton Buchanan and
Robert N. Buchanan
Georgia Hobbins Campbell and
W. Stanley Campbell
Kathleen and John S. Cantieri
Hazo William Carter Jr.
Jean F. Casson
Patricia Ann Chamings
LeRoy Ligon Cole Jr.
Alice Brunson Coleman and
Gillis Byrns Coleman
Betty Sue Cook
Carolyn and David Wayne Culley
Deborah Davies
Carol and Jon O. Demorest
Teresa Gosnell Doggett
Paul Robert Dokecki
George W. Duke
Jan Dunavant
Anita and Stephen N. Elliott
Dale C. Farran
Jimmie Robinson Felder
Judith Brooks Ferguson
Bradley and Robert Fogelman
Hannah Bonner Fowler
Patricia M. Fredericksen
Anita and John Friedmann
Marshall Funkhouser
Harry Eugene Gibson
Debby and Richard E. Giss
LaVerne Gordon Goodridge
Mack Lewis Graves
Patricia Keil Grimm
Sarah Katherine Moore Hagevik
Mary Elizabeth Hannah
Alicia Cooke Hartley and
William T. Hartley
Fred S. Hatchett
Marilyn T. Heebner
Ralph Edwin Helser
Anne and Gayle W. Herndon
Nora Smith Hinton
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Hofwolt
Linda R. Holt
Alice I. and Henry W. Hooker
Lydia A. Howart and Nicholas S. Zeppos
Ellen E. Hrabovsky
Maria Cheng Hsieh
Sarah Hunt
Terri and Ralph E. Hutchins
Mary and William Johnston
Kandace Michelle Kappel
Brian Timothy Kelly
Donald King
James William Klenke
Sandra G. Koczwara
Lisa and Robert S. Kulp
Bennie Ray Lane
Ellen and Eddie Latimer
John Garland Leatherwood
Larry Simpson Longerbeam
Carol S. and Kenneth G. Mackay
Steven Holt Madden
Bruce L. Mallory
Whitney Mason Fried
Katie Bell Mauldin and
Gregory Brooks Mauldin
Rachel McCall
Lynne L. McFarland
Donna B. McNamara
Catherine Ramsey Meehan and
Andrew John Meehan
Tina and Thomas M. Melo
D. Matthew Middlethon
Haroldine Clark Miller and
Jack Willis Miller
McKay Baur Mills
Mary Evelyn Mitchell
Denise and William Monteleone Jr.
Daniel I. Moore
Martin Edward Moseley
Doris W. Mowrey
Harold Douglas Murphy
Alison W. Mutispaugh
Mary Ottilie Nicholas
Kathy and Larry D. Odom
Robert M. Ogles
Sandra Owen
Elizabeth Craig Parkinson
Donna Brandon Parrish and
Charles E. Parrish
Dr. and Mrs. Marek M. Pienkowski
P. Josephine Plumlee
Tim Kaltenbach and
John Plummer
Winona K. Powell
Lisa and Kenneth Maurice Pulce Jr.
Barbara Quinn
Claudia and Daniel L. Quinn
Sally Cox Raye
Macon Miller Richardson and
Julius Ness Richardson
Sal D. Rinella
Victoria J. Risko
Laurie Anne and William D. Roberts
Sally and John Roberts Robinson
Tavenner King Rogers and
Sean Elliott Rogers
Susan and Ralph R.Russo
N. Marshall Schools
Karen Napoli Schulz
Diane S. Vanette and Sander Schwartz
Dorothy and Melvyn Ivan Semmel
David Lee Shores
Stephanie F. Silverman
Charles Arthur Skewis
Lavinia N. Smerconish
MaryAnn Smith
Susan Ward Stare
William R. Taylor
L. Duane Tennant
Lauren Cowden Turner
Laurie and David Vanderpool
Michael Andrew Verdone
Amy Vondra-Stark
Michael Patrick Ward
Philip Todd Westbrook
Carol Westlake
James Ray Whittington
Sue and Gary F. Wingate
Jacqueline F. Wood
Robert D. Young
William Darell Zink
* Deceased
Thank you to all our donors who have given gifts of $249 or less to Peabody College. Your gifts are very important and vital to our ongoing programs. Although you are too numerous to name, please know that we appreciate your continued support and generosity to the College. Thank you!