Construction projects will transform campus this summer

Noticed an increase of construction workers and equipment in your area? Seen signs that read “Construction Zone” as you make your way across campus?

With many students and faculty away, summer is an ideal time to make headway on major construction projects that will improve and transform Vanderbilt’s campus. Some projects, like College Halls at Kissam, are long-term, while others will wrap up in time for the start of the fall semester. Read more about them below.

A rendering of Kissam Center. (Goody Clancy/Vanderbilt)

College Halls at Kissam
The demolition of six residence halls at Kissam Quadrangle will make way for the construction of two new, large residential colleges connected by a light-filled central gathering and dining space to be known as Kissam Center.

View the webcam documenting the College Halls at Kissam project.

Completion date: August 2014

A rendering of Alumni Hall's west elevation. (Bruner-Cott/Vanderbilt)

Alumni Hall
Significant renovations to Alumni Hall will create a new classroom, music lounge, exercise room, writing center, faculty office suite, café and expanded outdoor terraces, while maintaining the integrity of the building’s historic architecture.

Completion date: July 2013

Sarratt Student Center/Rand Hall
Sarratt’s first major renovation in more than a decade will feature enhanced meeting and rehearsal spaces for student organizations, new offices and conference rooms and an expanded Varsity Market. Rand Dining Hall and the former Vanderbilt Bookstore space will have a completely new layout and look, including overall circulation improvements.

Completion date: August 2012

A rendering of the Neely Auditorium lobby. (John TeSelle Architecture/Vanderbilt)

Neely Auditorium
The lobby of Neely Auditorium, home of Vanderbilt University Theatre, will be renovated, including enhanced lighting.

Completion date: August 2012

A rendering of the Center for Second Language Studies space in Furman Hall. (John TeSelle Architecture/Vanderbilt)

Furman Hall
The Vanderbilt Center for Second Language Studies, located on the bottom floor of Furman, will get upgrades to its classrooms and lab.

Completion date: August 2012

A rendering of the Center for Medicine, Health and Society offices in Calhoun Hall. (John TeSelle Architecture/Vanderbilt)

Calhoun Hall
Space on the third floor of Calhoun Hall will be renovated to house the offices of the Center for Medicine, Health and Society.

Completion date: August 2012

Owen Graduate School of Management
A classroom, the library and IT offices at the Owen School will be renovated and the Mapco Express Café added to the first floor, replacing an existing food service venue.

Completion date: August 2012

Central Library Special Collections
Special Collections, located on the second floor, 21st Avenue side of Central Library’s H. Fort Flowers wing, will undergo a complete renovation.

Completion date: August 2012

Memorial House/Murray House
The faculty apartments within these residence halls on The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons will be enlarged to accommodate new incoming faculty heads of house and their families.

Completion date: August 2012

Blakemore House
Vanderbilt purchased and is renovating this former retirement home located on Vanderbilt Place for undergraduate housing, in part to accommodate dorm rooms temporarily lost to the College Halls at Kissam project.

Completion date: July 2012

McGugin complex
Renovation of the women’s locker rooms and the addition of Olympic sport meeting rooms are nearly complete. The McGugin Center’s Hendrix Dining Room and kitchen also will be renovated and expanded.

Completion date: late July 2012

A rendering of Dudley Field's north end zone. (Barge Cauthen/Vanderbilt)

Dudley Field
Vanderbilt’s football stadium will receive improvements to its north end zone, including a new scoreboard; new, more durable synthetic turf will be installed; and the stadium’s lighting will be dramatically improved.

Completion date: August 2012