Surgical Robots
Surgical robots developed by Vanderbilt researchers could make radical prostatectomy safer and less invasive
Surgery for prostate cancer—the most prevalent cancer in men—soon could no longer require cutting through healthy tissue and nerves. Surgeons instead may work with minuscule robots developed at the Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering. Read MoreFeb 10, 2021
Brain surgery through the cheek
Vanderbilt engineers have developed a surgical robot designed to perform brain surgery by entering through the cheek instead of the skull. Read MoreOct 15, 2014
National Robotics Initiative grant will provide surgical robots with a new level of machine intelligence
Providing surgical robots with a new kind of machine intelligence that significantly extends their capabilities and makes them much easier and more intuitive for surgeons to operate is the goal of a major new grant announced as part of the National Robotics Initiative. Read MoreOct 25, 2013
Vanderbilt Medicine: Robotics revolution
In the foreseeable future, robots will be sticking steerable needles in your brain to remove blood clots; capsule robots will be crawling up your colon as a painless replacement for the colonoscopy; and ultra-miniaturized snake robots will remove tumors from your bladder and other body cavities. Read MoreSep 11, 2013
NSF grant accelerates development of medical capsule robots
Four Vanderbilt School of Engineering faculty members have been awarded a $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation to create new tools, including a web-based modeling and simulation infrastructure, intended to help speed up the development of miniature medical capsule robots. Read MoreDec 6, 2012