Outspoken Vietnam veteran to discuss war myths
Controversial Vietnam veteran and Vanderbilt alumnus B.G. "Jug" Burkett will speak on campus Oct. 21 about "The Myths of the Vietnam War ñ Then and Now." Read MoreOct 12, 2004
TIPSHEET: Bush and Kerry should talk about immigration; vital debate topic languishes
In post-Sept. 11 America, prisons are increasingly holding people, some of them indefinitely, for reasons of security, asylum and migration. But neither George Bush nor John Kerry is talking about immigration issues, which "should be at the very forefront of the debates," says Robert Barsky, an immigration issues expert and Vanderbilt University professor. Read MoreOct 11, 2004
TIPSHEET: Presidential election and the Supreme Court
There has not been a personnel change on the Supreme Court in 10 years ñ the longest the body has gone unchanged since the 1820s. If President George W. Bush replaces a liberal justice or Sen. John Kerry replaces a conservative justice, there is a significant opportunity for change within this closely divided Supreme Court, says Suzanna Sherry, Cal Turner Professor of Law and Leadership at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreOct 11, 2004
TIPSHEET: Vanderbilt students react to vice presidential debate
The nationally televised debate between Dick Cheney and John Edwards will be the only opportunity voters have to see the vice presidential candidates go head to head before the election, and a trio of Vanderbilt University students will experience the action live from the debate floor. Erin Brown, Susan Mader and Alex Kwak will be on hand at Case Western Reserve University to see how Cheney and Edwards use this moment in the spotlight to reinforce the messages of the men atop their respective tickets. Read MoreOct 7, 2004
TIPSHEET: South’s role in presidential race
A good performance in the vice presidential debate by Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina could be a factor in a win by Kerry on Nov. 2 in one or more Southern states, despite predictions that the Bush campaign is practically assured of victory there. While more Southern states are likely to be red than blue this November, the Democrats' campaign strategy may succeed by carrying just a few Southern states, says Vanderbilt Fellow Kareem Crayton. Read MoreOct 7, 2004
Canadian government offers support to Center for the Americas at Vanderbilt, Further collaboration likely
The government of Canada will provide support to Vanderbilt University for programs and studies that promote a better knowledge and understanding of Canada and its relationship with the United States. Read MoreSep 30, 2004
Vanderbilt to host "Meet the Candidates" community picnic
Vanderbilt University's "Meet the Candidates" community picnic on Oct. 7 is expected to be one of the area's largest and most festive political gatherings prior to the Nov. 3 election. Read MoreSep 29, 2004
Registration underway for fall term of Retirement Learning at Vanderbilt, Topics include politics, business ethics and musical theater
Presidential elections, modern poetry and health care are among the wide-ranging non-credit classes available to the public during the fall term of Retirement Learning at Vanderbilt. Read MoreSep 7, 2004
Mickey Kantor to discuss role of politics in trade policy, Also will examine outsourcing of jobs in Vanderbilt speech
Former Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative Mickey Kantor will discuss jobs, the U.S. standard of living and future trade policies when he delivers the annual McGee Lecture at Vanderbilt on Sept. 16. The lecture, titled "Politics and Trade Agreements," is free and open to the public. Read MoreSep 7, 2004
Kerry commercials likely to bash Bush, says Vanderbilt campaign expert
Although John Kerry's advisers have promised that the Democrats will maintain a positive, upbeat tone during their national convention, a Vanderbilt political scientist expects the Bush bashing to continue in other forums, especially once the convention ends. Read MoreJul 27, 2004
Clinton’s memoir more reflective than most, says Vanderbilt presidential scholar
Most of our previous American presidents have written self-serving, bloated and rather dull autobiographies, according to Vanderbilt University presidential scholar Erwin Hargrove. He cites those of Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan as examples of not terribly exciting presidential memoirs. While some reviewers have already made similar comments about My Life, Hargrove anticipates that Clinton's psychological analysis of his personal problems should make the book a more interesting read. Read MoreJun 23, 2004
John Seigenthaler Papers to be housed at Vanderbilt University Library
John Seigenthaler, eminent journalist, author, civil rights leader and founder of the First Amendment Center, has announced that he will donate his papers to Vanderbilt University Library's special collections department. Read MoreJun 8, 2004
National Security Adviser to speak at Vanderbilt Senior Day
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice will be the guest speaker at Vanderbilt University's inaugural Senior Class Day on Thursday, May 13, at 10 a.m. Read MoreApr 12, 2004
Prestigious political science journal moving to Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt Professor of Political Science John Geer will become editor of The Journal of Politics, consistently ranked as one of the nation's most influential political science journals, in January 2005. The scholarly journal, which is published quarterly by the Southern Political Science Association, will be housed within the Vanderbilt Department of Political Science for four years. Read MoreApr 9, 2004
Vanderbilt professor to discuss role of religion in presidential campaign, Community breakfast lecture set for April 2
A Vanderbilt professor says that Republicans and Democrats fail to understand the religious community in the United States, therefore bobbling a potentially powerful factor in the 2004 presidential election. Read MoreMar 19, 2004
Roy Neel to discuss impact of Howard Dean on 2004 presidential campaign
Roy Neel, a Vanderbilt adjunct professor of political science who served as Howard Dean's campaign manager during the final weeks of his presidential campaign, returns to campus March 3 to discuss the significance of Dean's candidacy for future elections. Read MoreFeb 24, 2004
Vanderbilt joins National Campaign for Political and Civic Engagement, Office of Volunteer Activities becomes "Office of Active Citizenship and Service"
Vanderbilt has joined Harvard University's National Campaign for Political and Civic Engagement. In doing so, Vanderbilt becomes one of a handful of universities across the nation partnering with Harvard's Institute of Politics in the mission of developing civic-minded and politically engaged students. Read MoreFeb 12, 2004
Federal education policy as an anti-poverty strategy subject of Feb. 19 lecture at Vanderbilt University
Narrowing the achievement gap among America's schoolchildren-a key domestic issue for this year's presidential candidates-will be the subject of a lecture Thursday, Feb. 19, at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreFeb 12, 2004
MEDIA ADVISORY- Vanderbilt students turn out to watch New Hampshire primary results, campus-wide viewing parties reflect national trend of increased youth interest
With voters under the age of 30 constituting 17 percent of caucus-goers last week in Iowa-up 9 percent from four years ago-the youth vote is shaping up to be a vital component in the 2004 presidential election. Read MoreJan 26, 2004
New report provides first look at quality of life, improving services for Nashville’s immigrant communities
Nashville has experienced a three-fold increase in foreign-born residents since 1990 - from 12,662 to 39,596. However, 80 percent of agencies providing social services to these populations are located outside of immigrant communities, and the majority of agencies experience language barriers with the people they serve, according to a new report. Read MoreJan 8, 2004