Vanderbilt professor: Slavery legacy is basis of torture legal rationale; The Story of Cruel & Unusual by Colin Dayan examines Eighth Amendment.
Memos in 2002 and 2003 written by White House lawyers to President Bush effectively promoting the use of torture are shocking, but not because of faulty legal arguments, says a Vanderbilt University professor. Read MoreJun 19, 2007
Survey: Chilean Government Among Best in the Region; Latin American Public Opinion Project Report Released
A survey shows that Chile is one of the most efficient governments in Latin America. While Chileans perceive their government as very effective at protecting human rights and promoting democracy, they find it less so when it comes to dealing with corruption and unemployment. Read MoreJun 12, 2007
Neighborhood Candidates’ Forum set for Flag Day at Edgehill church; Vanderbilt University among the sponsors
A public forum to meet the candidates running for the Metropolitan Nashville offices of vice mayor, council-at-large and three council districts surrounding Vanderbilt University will be held on June 14 at Edgehill United Methodist Church. Read MoreJun 5, 2007
Study says many Guatemalan women don’t vote; Latin American Public Opinion Project released May 31
A comparative study shows that Guatemalan women tend not to vote. This is especially true of those who lack education and live in rural areas. Read MoreMay 31, 2007
Fred Thompson expected to transform presidential race, says VU’s John Geer
Fred Thompson will be a formidable, top-tier presidential contender, despite the fact that he has never been driven to be president, said Vanderbilt political scientist John Geer. "Thompson has never been so ambitious that he is willing to do anything to be president, which could certainly be a plus in the campaign," Geer said. Read MoreMay 30, 2007
Study shows corruption undermines trust in Costa Rican democracy; Latin American Public Opinion Project released May 29
In 2006, Costa Ricans showed the lowest support for democracy in 20 years. This goes hand in hand with their distrust in public institutions and intolerance levels similar to those found in Mexico and the rest of Central America. Read MoreMay 29, 2007
Op-ed: Illegal immigration’s harmful effects
An op-ed by Carol M. Swain, Vanderbilt professor of political science and law, on the impact of illegal immigration on African Americans. Read MoreMay 29, 2007
Senior Day Study Break Video: “Looking into a Crystal Ball: Forecasting the 2008 Presidential Election”
John Geer, professor of political science, and Roy Neel, visiting professor of political science, discuss the intricacies of the 2008 presidential election. Read MoreMay 25, 2007
Senior Day Study Break Video: "Looking into a Crystal Ball: Forecasting the 2008 Presidential Election"
John Geer, professor of political science, and Roy Neel, visiting professor of political science, discuss the intricacies of the 2008 presidential election. Read MoreMay 25, 2007
Lower crime and insecurity needed to promote democracy in El Salvador; Latin American Public Opinion Project released May 18
Improving Salvadorians' attitudes toward civic participation, their fellow citizens and their democratic institutions is crucial to developing democratic stability in El Salvador, a country in which crime and a sense of insecurity prevail. Read MoreMay 18, 2007
Open government, curbing corruption key to democracy in Honduras; Latin American Public Opinion Project released May 15
Curbing corruption and violence and opening up government meetings and financial information to public scrutiny are keys to promoting democracy in Honduras, where support for a democratic government has increased. Read MoreMay 15, 2007
Illegal immigration hurts African Americans; Vanderbilt professor believes Congressional Black Caucus is ignoring the issue
New research by a Vanderbilt professor of law and political science found that illegal immigration is hurting African Americans and the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) is not doing enough about it. Read MoreApr 30, 2007
Erosion of free speech in American workplace alarming trend, says Vanderbilt professor
"The Erosion of Free Expression in the American Workplace," a new book by Bruce Barry, professor of management and sociology, examines the growing decline of freedom of speech for many employees, and the lack of due-process rights and just-cause protections for these workers. Read MoreApr 27, 2007
Survey: Peruvians support democracy but skeptical of political system; Latin American Public Opinion Project releases report in Lima
Democracy has solid majority support in Peru yet still lags behind most other Latin American countries, according to a survey by the Latin American Public Opinion Project released in Lima, Peru. Read MoreApr 23, 2007
Thompson must decide soon on presidential run, says Vanderbilt campaign expert
It is no surprise that Fred Thompson has jumped into third place nationally among GOP presidential contenders, even without declaring his candidacy, said Vanderbilt University political scientist John Geer. Read MoreApr 11, 2007
Seligson: Rise of the left and populist leaders could pose threat to democracy in Latin America; April 10 symposium examines results of AmericasBarometer 2006
The results of the latest and most comprehensive study of public opinion in the Americas concludes that Latin America is drifting toward the political left and experiencing a rise in populism. Read MoreApr 5, 2007
Pulitzer prize-winning Civil War historian to speak at Vanderbilt
James McPherson, a noted American Civil War historian who won the Pulitzer Prize for Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era, will deliver a public lecture at Vanderbilt University on May 2. Read MoreApr 4, 2007
Fund-raising tally important indicator in presidential race: VU campaign expert
Raising hefty sums of cash early in the 2008 presidential campaign puts candidates in the driver's seat for competing successfully in the primaries, according to Vanderbilt Professor of Political Science John Geer. Read MoreMar 30, 2007
TIPSHEET: Conflict over Alberto Gonzales not likely to reach courts: Vanderbilt Expert
If Alberto Gonzales survives a growing loss of support on Capitol Hill, the standoff between the executive branch and Congress over whether to require sworn testimony from Bush aides is not likely to reach the courts, according to Vanderbilt University judicial expert Stefanie Lindquist. Read MoreMar 26, 2007
Cold War historian puts Truman presidency under the microscope; Vanderbilt lecture sponsored by Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities
Historian Wilson Miscamble will explore Harry Truman's sudden transition to the presidency when Franklin Roosevelt died and its true impact on the outbreak of the Cold War in a Vanderbilt University public lecture on March 26. Read MoreMar 22, 2007