Vanderbilt poll explains why Romney’s flip-flopper label sticks; Political scientist says anti-Mormon bias finds cover
Bias against Mitt Romney\'s religion is one of the reasons that the tag "flip-flopper"sticks with the former Massachusetts governor but not his Republican opponents, according to Vanderbilt political scientist John Geer. Read MoreJan 18, 2008
Expect barrage of negative ads, says Vanderbilt campaign expert
Voters should welcome an increase in political attack ads on the airwaves as the presidential nominating process moves into overdrive, says Vanderbilt University political scientist John Geer. Read MoreJan 9, 2008
Vanderbilt rolling seminar to Iowa caucuses offers unique learning opportunity
A select group of Vanderbilt University students, faculty and staff will experience firsthand a pivotal part of the 2008 presidential campaign when they participate in a rolling seminar to the Iowa caucuses. Read MoreDec 18, 2007
Op-ed: Muhammad, the teacher and the teddy bear
Read this op-ed by Vanderbilt Professor of Law and Political Science Carol Swain on the complexities involved in the case of a teacher being jailed in the Sudan because the name her students chose for a teddy bear offended many Sudanese Muslims. Read MoreDec 10, 2007
U.S. assistance for democracy building still working, Vanderbilt-Pittsburgh study controls for “Iraq Effect”
Devoting American dollars to democracy building in foreign countries continues to bring measurable increases in democratic governance around the globe, according to a study by Vanderbilt University and University of Pittsburgh professors. Read MoreDec 7, 2007
MEDIA ADVISORY: Iraqi judge talks about establishing rule of law in Iraq
Judge Zuhair Al-Maliki, an Iraqi jurist who served as a judge with the Iraqi Criminal Court, will speak at noon Friday, Dec. 7, at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreDec 6, 2007
Op-ed: Why black America should move beyond hanging nooses
An op-ed by Carol Swain, professor of law and political science, on the implications of the recent spate of noose hangings around the country and the factors that reinforce white prejudice and discrimination against blacks. Read MoreDec 6, 2007
CNN/YouTube debate more like a talent show, says VU debate expert
While the Republican CNN/YouTube debate is likely to generate increased excitement among younger voters, there are deeply troubling aspects of this new genre, according to a Vanderbilt communication studies professor. Read MoreNov 27, 2007
Op-Ed: Was Gov. Bredesen’s trade trip to China a good idea? Yes!
Governor Bredesen has received both praise and criticism for his recent trade mission to China. China is certainly not without its problems, including its human rights record, questionable trade practices and one-party government. But as governor, Bredesen must do what is best for Tennessee. Read MoreNov 16, 2007
18th District neighbors to celebrate citizen activism on Nov. 18
Residents in Metropolitan Nashville‘s 18th District will celebrate on Nov. 18th longtime successful efforts to preserve and revitalize the area‘s urban neighborhoods. Read MoreNov 16, 2007
Video: Desegregation, re-segregation, immigration in Nashville schools
Watch video of an Oct. 30, 2007, panel discussion on desegregation, re-segregation, immigration in Nashville schools. Panelists included Vanderbilt education researchers Claire Smrekar and Ellen Goldring. Read MoreNov 14, 2007
Op-Ed: Pat Robertson’s Calculated Choice
Carol Swain, professor of political science and law, comments on the recent endorsement of Republican presidential candidate Rudy Guiliani by televangelist Pat Robertson. Read MoreNov 13, 2007
Op-ed: Sanctions against Iran won’t make much of a difference
Is the Bush administration‘s recent announcement of tough sanctions against Iran‘s Quds Force and Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps as supporters of terrorism and proliferators of weapons of mass destruction an effort to avoid military action or a step toward it? Read MoreNov 2, 2007
MEDIA ADVISORY: Outed former CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson speaks at Vanderbilt Nov. 28
Valerie Plame Wilson, the former CIA operations officer whose secret identity was revealed by senior White House and State Department officials and her name subsequently published in a syndicated newspaper column, will speak at Vanderbilt University Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 7 p.m. Read MoreOct 24, 2007
Outed former CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson speaks at Vanderbilt Nov. 28
Valerie Plame Wilson, the former CIA operations officer whose covert identity was revealed by senior White House and State Department officials and her name subsequently published in a syndicated newspaper column, will speak at Vanderbilt University Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 7 p.m. Read MoreOct 24, 2007
Vanderbilt presidential scholar explores effectiveness of recent presidents; New book offers lessons on modern presidential leadership
Voters in the 2008 election who expect to elect a great president are likely to be disappointed, according to Vanderbilt University presidential scholar Erwin Hargrove. Read MoreOct 23, 2007
Vanderbilt road trip to Iowa caucuses offers unique learning opportunity
The Office of Active Citizenship and Service is offering Vanderbilt University students and faculty the opportunity to experience firsthand a pivotal part of the 2008 presidential campaign by attending a rolling seminar to the Iowa caucuses. Read MoreOct 18, 2007
MEDIA ADVISORY: Virginia Shepherd to appear at Knight Commission summit
Virginia Shepherd, a pathology professor at Vanderbilt University and co-chair of the Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics, will take part in two panel discussions on Monday, Oct. 15, as the Knight Commission discusses a faculty survey on intercollegiate athletics. Read MoreOct 12, 2007
Gore wins Nobel Prize
Former Vice President Al Gore, a former Vanderbilt student and moderator for a decade of annual Family Re-Union conferences held at the university, was named a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for his work to combat global warming. Read MoreOct 12, 2007
Op-Ed: Jena Six and the deadly sneaker
Like most people who have followed the saga of the Jena Six, I am dismayed by the series of events preceding and following last Thursday's civil rights protest over the disparate treatment of six black teens charged with attempted murder for attacking a white teenager. Read MoreOct 5, 2007