Obama presidency signals new era in America’s struggle with self-identity, says Vanderbilt historian
America's arduous struggle over competing visions of nationhood involving race is a giant step closer to resolution with the presidential inauguration of Barack Obama, says Vanderbilt University historian Gary Gerstle. Read MoreJan 8, 2009
VUCast: Obama’s Choices
Watch video of a Nov. 19 forum "Vanderbilt Government Relations 101." Read MoreNov 19, 2008
OP-ED: Shot at unthinkable: an end to cronyism
Like other presidents before him, President-elect Barack Obama will be under immense pressure to reward campaign workers, state and local party officials, interest groups and key donors with positions in the new administration. Read MoreNov 17, 2008
TIPSHEET: Education, health care expected to be among Obama’s priorities: Vanderbilt experts
Vanderbilt experts are available to comment on education, immigration and health care policy. Read MoreNov 7, 2008
Experts: Obama will move quickly to show he’s ready to govern
Political pundits have time to reflect in the days ahead on the reasons behind Barack Obama's historic election as the first African American president, but the president-elect must focus immediately on his transition and the challenges ahead, according to several Vanderbilt professors. Read MoreNov 7, 2008
Video: How Racist is Obama’s America?
Watch video of a Thinking Out of the (Lunch) Box talk by Carol Swain. Read MoreNov 6, 2008
2008 presidential election signals transition: Vanderbilt experts
A smooth presidential transition with an emphasis on advance preparation and avoidance of past pitfalls is crucial to a strong start for the next administration, says political scientist David E. Lewis. Vanderbilt experts are available to discuss the many aspects of this year\'s presidential election. Read MoreOct 31, 2008
Video: Judgment Calls: Principle and Politics in Constitutional Law
Watch video of a talk by Vanderbilt Law School professor and constitutional law expert Suzanna Sherry. Read MoreOct 22, 2008
Video: Hip-hop, presidential election and youth vote
Watch video of a Sept. 25 talk about hip-hop, the presidential election and the youth vote. Read MoreOct 21, 2008
Video: Former Guantanamo Bay chaplain falsely accused of espionage speaks at Vanderbilt
Watch video of a Sept. 22 talk by James J. Yee, Army captain and former chaplain at the United States military prison in Guantanamo Bay. Read MoreOct 21, 2008
Greek ambassador, Vanderbilt professor discuss roots of U.S. politics Oct. 27
Alexandros Mallias, Greece's ambassador to the United States, will join Vanderbilt University Professor of Classics, Emerita, Susan Ford Wiltshire for a discussion of the roots of the American political tradition in the ancient Greek city-states 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 27, in Room 237 of The Commons Center. Read MoreOct 20, 2008
Video: Professor of Special Education Donna Ford discusses what is needed to close the achievement gap
Watch video of Donna Ford, professor of special education at Vanderbilt's Peabody College of Education and Human Development, discussing her research with gifted minority youth and what is needed to close the achievement gap. Read MoreOct 15, 2008
Op-ed: Those negative ads are a positive thing
It\'s that time again. With the mud flying in the presidential race, pundits, journalists and political observers of all stripes are denouncing the campaign\'s new, strikingly negative tone. Listening to them, you\'d think that the very fabric of our democracy were being ripped apart every time a candidate aired a tough attack ad, threw an elbow or issued a sharply worded statement. Read MoreOct 13, 2008
Vanderbilt speaker to argue for changes in Israel
Israel should become a secular democracy and better integrate its Arab minority to help secure its future, Israeli political economist Bernard Avishai will argue during a lecture at Vanderbilt University based on his latest book. Read MoreOct 8, 2008
Video: “The 2008 Presidential Election: Where We Stand and Where We Are Headed”
Watch video of an Oct. 7 Vanderbilt and First Amendment Center election panel. Read MoreOct 8, 2008
Op-ed: Negative ads aren’t all bad
Continued thrust and parry between Barack Obama and John McCain has led many to label the 2008 presidential campaign the most negative campaign in the modern era. Negative ads have dominated the airwaves to the point that even Karl Rove argued that both candidates have gone too far. Read MoreOct 8, 2008
Video: This is What Women Want: A Speak-Out the Issues and Views for the Presidential Election
Watch video of an Oct. 6 discussion, "This is What Women Want: A Speak-Out the Issues and Views for the Presidential Election." Read MoreOct 7, 2008
Op-Ed: How the U.S. should approach its mission in Afghanistan
The highest priority must be given to the development of Afghan security forces that are better able to deal with insurgents within the country, even if they have a haven in Pakistan. Read MoreOct 7, 2008
Podcast: “If They Could See it Now: The Evolution of the American Presidency From the Founding Fathers to Present Day”
Listen to a podcast from Constitution Day. Read MoreOct 3, 2008
Vanderbilt and First Amendment Center to host presidential election panel
Political scholars, journalists and pundits will offer their informed perspective on where the 2008 presidential election is headed during an Oct. 7 forum for students that is sponsored by Vanderbilt University and the First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt. Read MoreOct 3, 2008