Peabody Reflector
From the Dean
Peabody is committed to excel on the international front, rooted in the knowledge that the best solution to conflict and chaos resides in education. Read MoreDec 11, 2013
$10M grant establishes center for special education
The National Center for Special Education Research has awarded $10 million to a team of researchers at Vanderbilt. They are (from left): Doug Fuchs, Lynn Fuchs, Donald Compton, Melanie Schuele and Mark Lipsey. Team member Kristopher Preacher is not pictured. (Daniel Dubois/ Vanderbilt) The National Center… Read MoreDec 11, 2013
Wehby receives Chancellor’s Cup
Wehby and Zeppos (Anne Rayner/Vanderbilt) A Faculty Senate meeting was delayed briefly Oct. 3 by a surprise guest—Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos—who interrupted the session to award the 2013 Chancellor’s Cup, now in its 50th year. The recipient was Joe Wehby, associate professor of special education… Read MoreDec 11, 2013
A goulish ghord appears at Wyatt
Fall weather arrived reluctantly and late to Peabody lawn. When crisp temperatures at last contested summer’s vestiges, this ghoulish gourd, as if by magic, appeared on the steps of the Wyatt Center. Mischievously grinning beneath its leafy crown, it stood… Read MoreDec 11, 2013
Citizen of the world, ambassador by default
Keegan Fellow Kathleen Russell shares her journey: 373 days, 24 countries, five continents—and a life transformed. Read MoreDec 10, 2013
Entrepreneurial Spirit
A mobile farmers' market, a fair wage bakery and a newspaper that employs the homeless are just a few of the social entrepreneurship efforts launched by HOD students. Read MoreDec 10, 2013
Gold Standard
Finding one’s passion is the key to a fulfilling life, says Betsy Wills, and helping young people tap into their passions has become one of hers. Read MoreDec 10, 2013
Rawlings executives John and Robert Parish carry on the family tradition of working in the sporting goods industry. Read MoreDec 10, 2013
Fall 2013 Staff
Cover Illustration by Christiane Beauregard Visit Peabody College’s website at Joan Brasher, Editor Jan Read, Senior Director, Integrated Communications Donna Pritchett, Art Director Chris Collins, Designer Bonnie Arant Ertelt, Class Notes Editor Contributors: Kurt Brobeck, Lisa A. Dubois, Bonnie Arant Ertelt, Jennifer Johnston, Kathleen Russell,… Read MoreDec 10, 2013
Foreign Exchange
In a fragmented world, education can build bridges across oceans, mountains and deserts; it can draw connections between cultures that seemingly have little in common; and it can break the knots of tightly bound prejudices through shared experiences and mutual concerns. For these reasons, Peabody College has embarked on a journey of robust international exchange. For more than a decade, Peabody faculty members have been crisscrossing the globe to study and teach best educational practices. They have invested in programs to bring teachers and education leaders from other countries to the Vanderbilt campus and have collaborated with education researchers abroad to find solutions to the most impregnable problems facing schools today. Read MoreDec 10, 2013
Luck + hard work = success
Nearly 50 years later, Chong-Moon Lee recalls the generosity he encountered during his first visit to the Peabody Library. Read MoreDec 6, 2013
Recent Peabody research news releases
photo by John Russell/Vanderbilt Do popular education reforms demoralize teachers? Three widely implemented practices intended to strengthen teaching actually do more to undermine… Read MoreJun 28, 2013
From the Dean
The deaths at Sandy Hook Elementary School demand not only our grief, but our reflection. Read MoreJun 28, 2013
Staff and Student News
Vandy goes Harry Potter! Students learn through the lens of the "Harry Potter" series. Ann Neely, associate professor of the practice of teaching and learning, and Georgene Troseth, associate professor of psychology, led a Harry Potter-themed first-year writing seminar in psychology in England over spring break. The… Read MoreJun 28, 2013
Awards, Honors and Recognition
A sculpture, 'Water and Sun,' was donated to Vanderbilt by Frank Garrison Jr., BA’76, JD’79, and his wife Amy P. Garrison, BA’79, and installed on the Peabody campus. It was given in honor of Frank’s grandfather Sidney Clarence Garrison, who was president of Peabody from 1938 until… Read MoreJun 27, 2013
In Memory
Many friends were lost this year; they will be missed. Photo by John Russell/Vanderbilt Alumni Berlin Vance, BS’39, of Amarillo, Texas, Jan. 1, 2013. Herschiel S. Barnes, BS’40, JD’48, of Cookeville, Tenn., Oct. 17, 2012. Joe T. Brandon, BS’42, of San Marcos, Calif., Sept. 9, 2012. Selina… Read MoreJun 27, 2013
New books from Peabody professors and alumni
New books have been published by Peabody faculty and alumni. Read MoreJun 27, 2013
Small Investments Yield Big Rewards
When Virginia Johnson enrolled in Peabody, WWII was just ending and teachers were in high demand. Read MoreJun 27, 2013
Building on a Strong Foundation
Chris Lai says Peabody prepared him for the twists and turns of life. Read MoreJun 27, 2013