Ideas In Action
Dean’s Message
A new academic year finds Vanderbilt’s Peabody College advancing its agenda of intellectual innovation, rigorous research, and translation of our efforts into practice. In particular, this fall we are excited to launch a new doctoral program in educational neuroscience—the nation’s first. Peabody researchers are collaborating with scholars drawn from throughout… Read MoreNov 14, 2012
Dean’s Message
Fall 2011 finds Vanderbilt’s Peabody College deeply engaged with critical issues confronting both educators and schools of education. On questions of policy, educational neuroscience, or learning and instruction, the Peabody faculty is making valuable contributions to discovery, dissemination and public discourse. We are similarly involved with questions about the role,… Read MoreNov 4, 2011
About Ideas in Action
Dean Camilla P. Benbow Editor Kurt Brobeck, Director of Communications Contributors Camilla P. Benbow, Melanie Moran , Jim Patterson, Courtney Taylor, Jennifer Wetzel Photography Mary Donaldson, Daniel Dubois, Steve Green, Wolf Hoffmann, Lauren Owens, John Russell, Adam Waterson Illustration… Read MoreNov 3, 2011
Teacher Compensation ‘Incredibly Inefficient,’ New Research Finds
Matthew Springer Teacher salaries are largely set by schedules which are neither performance related nor market-driven and have significant consequences on school staffing and workforce quality, new research from the National Center on Performance Incentives at Peabody College finds. “We know the way in which we currently compensate K-12 public school teachers… Read MoreNov 3, 2011
Understanding Causes of Mortality Among Infants With Down Syndrome
An analysis of the amount, timing and causes of infant mortality among newborns with Down syndrome is the focus of new research by Vanderbilt Kennedy Center investigators Robert Hodapp and Richard Urbano and recent Peabody graduate and Kennedy Center trainee, Samantha Goldman. The findings, reported in the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, conclude infants with Down… Read MoreNov 3, 2011
Vanderbilt Partners With Fort Worth to Aid Low-Performing Students
Thomas Smith Fort Worth Independent School District is the latest partner in a national center at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College that aims to identify programs, practices, processes and policies that make some high schools more effective at reaching low-performing students. Fort Worth Independent School District, or FWISD, officially joined the… Read MoreNov 2, 2011
Peabody Ranked No. 1 for Third Consecutive Year
For the third straight year, Peabody College was rated the No. 1 graduate school of education in the nation, according to U.S. News & World Report rankings released in March. Peabody is only the second education school in the last decade to have received the top honor spanning consecutive years. “Peabody College is currently… Read MoreNov 2, 2011
Preparing Teachers for Diversity
Donna Ford Research from Peabody College faculty members Donna Ford and Rich Milner about historically persistent yet unresolved issues in teacher education was featured in Studying Diversity in Teacher Education, released by the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in January. In the book, Ford and co-author Michelle Trotman Scott of the University of West Georgia examine how to prepare teacher… Read MoreNov 2, 2011
New Faculty for 2011-2012
Jason Grissom Department of Leadership, Policy and Organizations Jason Grissom Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Education; Ph.D., Stanford University, 2007 Carrie Kortegast Assistant Professor of the Practice of Higher Education; Ph.D., Iowa State University, 2011 Christine Quinn Trank Senior Lecturer in Organizational Leadership; Ph.D., University… Read MoreNov 2, 2011
Researchers Put School Choice Options Under the Microscope
School Choice and School Improvement; Mark Berends, Marisa Cannata, Ellen B. Goldring, eds; Harvard Education Press, 2011 Why do parents decide to switch schools? How good is the information school districts provide to guide those decisions? How do traditional public schools respond to competition from charter schools? Do options… Read MoreNov 2, 2011
Principals Do Not Feel Competition From Charter Schools
Many advocates for school choice argue that the competition created by giving parents multiple options of schools for their children will improve education in traditional public schools. The latest research brief, “How do Principals Respond to Charter School Competition?,” released by the National Center on School Choice, examines the factors which contribute to principals’… Read MoreNov 2, 2011
Researchers Discuss Ethical Considerations of ‘Curing’ Disabilities
Above: University faculty joined parents and advocates for a discussion of ethical issues surrounding disabilities. Vanderbilt researchers from the Department of Pediatrics, Peabody College and the Divinity School joined with parent advocates for a panel discussion on the ethical considerations of “curing” disabilities on April 5. The event was sponsored by the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center to… Read MoreNov 2, 2011
Notes and Honors
Sun-Joo Cho Sun-Joo Cho, assistant professor of psychology, received the 2010-11 Award for an Outstanding Application of Educational Measurement Technology from the National Council on Measurement in Education. Bruce Compas, Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Psychology and Human Development, received the 2011 Joe B. Wyatt Distinguished Professor Award from… Read MoreNov 2, 2011
Brain Imaging May Hold Clues to Help Children Improve Grammar
Understanding how quickly children process speech is key to understanding why some struggle with language, but accurately measuring this speed has been difficult. Read MoreOct 28, 2011
Turning Over Turnaround
Through its School Improvement Grants, the Obama administration has funneled $3.5 billion to turn around schools in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. More than 15,000 schools, or 16 percent of schools nationwide, were eligible for the grants. According to Department of Education data, SIG-awarded schools tend to be high-poverty (75 percent), high-minority (86 percent) schools concentrated at the high school level in urban areas. Read MoreOct 28, 2011
Pre-K Learning Leaps
Children who attended Tennessee state-funded prekindergarten classes gained an average of 82 percent more on early literacy and math skills than comparable children who did not attend, researchers from the Peabody Research Institute have found. Read MoreOct 27, 2011