Evolutionary Studies

  • Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt researchers flip the script on yeast ecological diversity

    A mere decade ago, decoding the genome of every organism in a major branch of the tree of life and deciphering their diets was a pipe dream. In a groundbreaking study, a team of researchers from Vanderbilt University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and other institutions worldwide have done just that for the first time ever. Led by Abigail LaBella, a postdoctoral researcher in the Rokas Lab, an international research team used the genomes and diets of nearly all known species from an ancient lineage of yeasts to understand the evolution of generalists and specialists.  Read More

    May 8, 2024

  • An Aedes japonicu mosquito rest on the water surface from which it just emerged.

    Vanderbilt biologists discover genetic pathways linking the immune and circulatory systems of mosquitoes during infection

    Julián F. Hillyer, professor of biological sciences, and his research team discovered how mosquito immune and circulatory systems are related. This work may lead to the development of novel strategies that protect beneficial insects or harm detrimental ones. Read More

    Sep 7, 2022

  • Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt researchers bring paleoecology into the 21st century

    Feedback from editors and reviewers of academic journals is an often-understated driver of new research directions. Assistant Professor of Earth and environmental sciences Simon Darroch, found this to be the case for his new paper examining the differences between geographic ranges of species historic and living. Read More

    Jul 14, 2022