Health And Medicine
Benefits of smoking cessation take time: study
It can take up to 16 years for a smoker's body to return to the same state of health as a non-smoker, but significant benefits do begin to appear right away, according to new research by Meredith Duncan. Read MoreNov 15, 2018
Vanderbilt study suggests way to prevent rare lung disease
Pulmonary hypertension may be treated by targeting a bone marrow cell that normally promotes the growth of new blood vessels, according to new research by David Merryman. Read MoreNov 15, 2018
Low health literacy associated with early death for cardiovascular patients
Patients hospitalized with a cardiovascular event are more likely to die within one year if they have low health literacy, according to new research by Lindsay Mayberry and Sunil Kripalani. Read MoreNov 8, 2018
Evading cell death
Susan Wente and Laura Glass have developed an experimental cell culture model system to investigate the link between stress granules and cell resistance to toxic stress, which could lead to new avenues for treating cancer treatment resistance. Read MoreNov 8, 2018
Vitamin C protects brain from seizures
Fiona Harrison and colleagues have found evidence that Vitamin C can help protect brains against seizures and cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease. Read MoreNov 8, 2018
Novel methods to treat glaucoma
Rebecca Sappington and colleagues have found that increasing cGMP — part of a signaling pathway that was previously found to regulate intraocular pressure — protects retinal ganglion cells affected by glaucoma. Read MoreNov 8, 2018
Obesity negates beneficial drug effects
Lin Zhu and Rob Stafford have found that obesity interferes with cholesterol-improving CTEP inhibitors. Read MoreNov 8, 2018
Team’s findings show glutamine metabolism affects T cell signaling
Jeffrey Rathmell and colleagues show that a drug that inhibits glutamine metabolism — currently in clinical trials as an anticancer agent — might also be useful as a treatment for inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Read MoreNov 1, 2018
Team seeks to identify immune response to influenza
Vanderbilt researchers led by Buddy Creech are searching for the key to lasting protection against influenza by examining naturally protecting cells found in bone marrow. Read MoreNov 1, 2018
Mary Kay Foundation grant to bolster immunotherapy research
The grant will allow Charles Caskey to lead research into using ultrasound as an image-guided therapy for drug delivery. Read MoreOct 26, 2018
Grant to help explore critical issues in Down syndrome
The grant will allow Kennedy Center researchers to analyze data from VUMC's Synthetic Derivative and BioVU databanks to study biomarkers associated with Down Syndrome. Read MoreOct 26, 2018
Probing the pathology of impaired cognition
A new link between a support protein within the brain's white matter and known Alzheimer's biomarkers discovered by Angela Jefferson and colleagues bring researchers a step toward earlier and more precise detection of neuropathology underlying cognitive impairment that may lead to new targeted therapies Read MoreOct 26, 2018
Grant enhances study of new chemotherapy targets
Vanderbilt chemists have been awarded $7.2 million over the next five years from the National Cancer Institute to lead an initiative to better understand how a combination chemotherapy for breast cancer targets DNA. Read MoreOct 19, 2018
Targeting diabetic kidney disease
Raymond Harris, Ming-Zhi Zhang and colleagues suggest pathways activated by the epidermal growth factor receptor may be promising targets for treating diabetic kidney disease. Read MoreOct 16, 2018
Asthma’s androgen connection
New findings by Dawn Newcomb and colleagues suggest an explanation for why women are more prone to asthma than men. Read MoreOct 16, 2018
Cellular stress defense
Research led by Sanjay Mishra, and colleagues suggests modular sHSP architecture contributes to the ability of heat-protective proteins to serve as chaperones for a range of unfolded proteins. Read MoreOct 16, 2018
Insulin accelerant
Reducing nitric oxide helps insulin move more quickly through blood vessels, find David Wasserman and colleagues. Read MoreOct 16, 2018
Bradley Malin elected to National Academy of Medicine
Bradley Malin, professor of biomedical informatics, biostatistics and computer science, is among 85 newly elected members of the National Academy of Medicine. Read MoreOct 16, 2018
Novel genetic study sheds new light on risk of heart attack
Loss of a protein that regulates mitochondrial function can greatly increase the risk of a heart attack, report Eric Gamazon, Sandra Zinkel and graduate students Christie Salisbury-Ruf and Clinton Bertram in new research. Read MoreOct 11, 2018
Team’s study reveals hidden lives of medical biomarkers
The hidden lives of medical biomarkers are the focus of a recent study in Nature Communications by Jonathan Mosley. Read MoreOct 11, 2018