
Declaration of Independence Road Show visits Vanderbilt

“We Own America,” a unique combination of history and hip-hop poetry aimed at promoting the involvement of an informed, passionate citizenry to help shape the fate of America, will be presented at 6 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 17, at Vanderbilt. Read More

Guggenheim’s Donald Saff to explore art’s collaborative process in Vanderbilt address

Donald Saff, director of Saff Tech Arts and senior curator of prints and drawings at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, will explore the collaborative process through which art is created on Wednesday, Nov. 20, at Vanderbilt. Read More

More than 5,700 Middle Tennessee jobs result from Vanderbilt R&D

Research and development activities at Vanderbilt University are responsible for more than 5,700 jobs in Middle Tennessee. Read More

Owen School names new head of corporate relations

Jim Bradford, clinical faculty member and former president and chief executive officer of United Glass Corporation, has been named associate dean for corporate relations at the Owen Graduate School of Management. Read More

Vanderbilt Child Care to celebrate expansion on Edgehill

A $1.9 million expansion and renovation of one of Vanderbilt’s two child care centers will significantly increase the number of children who can receive early childhood education and care on campus, helping to meet an employee-identified priority. Read More

Vanderbilt University professor elected to National Academy of Education

Vanderbilt University education professor Paul Cobb has been honored for his work focusing on core mathematical concepts for grades K-3 and middle school grades with election to the prestigious National Academy of Education. Read More

Ben Stein will share insight in Vanderbilt address

Members of the Vanderbilt community will have the chance to “Win Ben Stein’s Insight” when the popular game show host and commentator comes to Vanderbilt University’s Langford Auditorium on Thursday, Nov. 21, at 7 p.m. Read More

Vanderbilt investing more than $100 million in “transinstitutional” research

Vanderbilt University is investing more than $100 million of its own money to create a series of interdisciplinary research centers designed to propel its faculty members into the forefront of a number of selected research frontiers. Read More

Vanderbilt study ties public perception of auditor reputation to companies’ market value

A comprehensive Vanderbilt University study in the wake of the breaking Enron scandal puts a $37.1 million pricetag on the loss of consumer confidence in companies audited by Arthur Andersen, tied directly to their choice of auditors. Read More

Rising punitive damages and need for reform the subject of panel discussion at Vanderbilt Law School

The $28 billion in punitive damages awarded to a smoker by a California jury earlier this month will be among the controversial and escalating awards addressed in a panel discussion on “Punitive Damages: Present and Future” at the Vanderbilt University Law School on Nov. 6. Read More

U.S. families willing to open wallets wider to reduce crime, Owen School study shows

Given the chance, America’s households would spend more of their own money to reduce serious crimes—such as burglary, sexual assault and armed robbery—in their neighborhoods. Read More

Kevin Myatt named chief human resource officer at Vanderbilt

Kevin A. Myatt has been named chief human resource officer at Vanderbilt University effective Jan.1, 2003, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Chief Financial Officer Lauren J. Brisky announced today. Read More

American race relations the subject of debate at Vanderbilt

Activists on two sides of the racial divide will come together at Vanderbilt University Law School on Nov. 5 to debate the future of American race relations. Read More

Psychologist Carol Gilligan to give Lecture on Great Teaching at Vanderbilt

Acclaimed social psychologist and New York University professor Carol Gilligan will discuss “Teaching and Learning in a Different Voice” on Monday, Nov. 11, at 6 p.m. in Ingram Hall at Vanderbilt’s Blair School of Music. Read More

James Lawson to receive lifetime achievement award from Vanderbilt Black Alumni

James M. Lawson, a Vanderbilt University Divinity School alumnus who led the sit-ins at Nashville’s segregated lunch counters and had a profound effect on Vanderbilt’s national identity, is the recipient of the 2002 Walter R. Murray Jr. Distinguished Alumnus Award. Read More

What does the Bible say about responsibilities for the environment?

A biblical perspective on environmental stewardship will be presented at a lunch-time seminar featuring Vanderbilt Divinity School’s Douglas Meeks, Cal Turner Chancellor’s Professor of Wesleyan Studies, Nov. 4, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at Scarritt Bennett Center’s Ogborn House. Read More

TVA’s emerging leaders start classes at the Owen School

This month, emerging leaders from across the Tennessee Valley Authority began a nine-month customized business curriculum on 21st century leadership concepts and principles at Vanderbilt’s Owen Graduate School of Management. The program is designed to prepare them for greater leadership responsibilities within the corporation. Read More

“Launching the Venture” the focus of entrepreneurship conference

Learn how to launch a venture, build it to profitability and take it public or sell it for the right price at Vanderbilt’s Owen Graduate School of Management Entrepreneurship Center‘s annual conference on Oct. 25. Read More

New high school text on Holocaust first to examine genocide around the world

Ask any history teacher about the challenge of making decades-old events relevant to today’s students, and you’re likely to get an earful. If the events are those that made up the Holocaust of the 1940s, the challenge is even more daunting. Read More

Effect of race on wealth the subject of interdisciplinary, multi-institutional research circle

Faculty members from Vanderbilt University, Fisk University, Meharry Medical College and Tennessee State University have joined together to form a research circle on “Race and Wealth Disparity in 21st Century America.” The products of the two-year collaborative program will include a public lecture series, the first set for Nov. 7, and a set of edited teaching materials on how various disciplines look at race and wealth disparity in the United States. Read More