
Sharing the Experience

Celeste Martinez, left, recipient of the Allison Poarch Scholarship, with Allison Poarch, BS’07 When you find something good, something worthwhile, you recommend… Read More

On PACE with Helen Du and Xiu Cravens

YingLian Helen Du, left, has established the Peabody-Asia Center for Education Fund, which will help Peabody expand programs and partnerships in China. Read More

Upcoming Hazinski workshop to focus on innovation, tech transfer

The annual Thomas A. Hazinski Faculty Development Workshop this year centers on the encouragement of innovation. The two main speakers —… Read More

VUMC officials play role in new national care integration report

“Order from Chaos, Accelerating Care Integration,” is a report now arriving on the desks of health care executives. It’s based on a roundtable… Read More

Rounds: A message from the Vice Chancellor

At Vanderbilt, we are all — faculty and staff — invested with the profound intergenerational responsibility to pass on our knowledge. Read More

Preds passion

Five-year-old Maddie Wright-Renteria laughs with Gnash, the mascot of the Nashville Predators hockey team, during a recent visit by coaches, players and… Read More

New endowed chair holders recognized

Nine Vanderbilt faculty members named to endowed chairs were recognized for outstanding academic achievement during a Dec. 12 ceremony. (Photo by Steve… Read More

VU emergency notification system updated, expanded

AlertVU, Vanderbilt’s emergency notification system, is being expanded to include all members of the Vanderbilt community and is being strengthened… Read More

Discovering Südhof

Stanford neuroscientist Thomas Südhof, M.D., discusses the physiology and pathology of neurotransmitter release during his recent Flexner Discovery Lecture. To view the… Read More

Cardiovascular Medicine chief Sawyer stepping down

Doug Sawyer, M.D., Ph.D., is stepping down as director of the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine. (Photo by Joe Howell) Doug… Read More

Season’s greetings

Lily Faught gets a helping hand from Santa Claus during his recent visit with patients and families at the Monroe… Read More

Study examines ACA’s impact on uncompensated care

John Graves, Ph.D. The decision by several states not to expand Medicaid health insurance for the poor may create unintended cuts for… Read More

Cancer markers from archived tissue

Archived tissue samples are yielding new disease biomarkers. Read More

MyVU to take break over holidays

(Derek Bruff/Vanderbilt University) The MyVU email for faculty and staff will be on hiatus Dec. 24-Jan. 1. Look for MyVU to resume in the… Read More

One Step Ahead helps Metro students stay in school and reach for college

For high-achieving students from low-income families, barriers—both financial and motivational—can stand in the way of a college education. That’s why Nashville Mayor Karl Dean,… Read More

Beasley named Vanderbilt University treasurer

Trey Beasley, a senior financial manager in treasury at Vanderbilt University, has been named university treasurer, effective Dec. 21, 2012. Read More

Humane dispersal of roosting crows continues through Friday

(John Russell/Vanderbilt) Plant Operations is implementing distress calls and other noisemakers this week in an effort to drive roosting birds from campus. Read More

How to avoid family stress over the holidays

Keith Meador (Vanderbilt University) Getting together with extended family during the holidays can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be, says Keith G. Read More

‘Mark Di Suvero: Affinities’ exhibit comes to Vanderbilt

The Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of Mark Di Suvero—Affinities. A reception will be held in celebration of… Read More

Senator Alexander warns of major threats to research universities

Sen. Lamar Alexander (Courtesy of Congress) Imagine a world where American research universities lag behind those in other nations, can no longer… Read More