
Community involvement aids translational research

As Carla Sevin, M.D., assistant professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt, began the process of writing a recent grant proposal, she was stumped. Read More

Vanderbilt researchers work to balance flu vaccine debate

Research in the last two years to examine the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine has raised public doubt about the flu shot's effectiveness. But two Vanderbilt researchers co-wrote an editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recently to help balance the current debate. Read More

VU’s Arteaga to lead American Association for Cancer Research

Carlos Arteaga, M.D., professor of Medicine and Cancer Biology at Vanderbilt, has been elected president-elect of the American Association for Cancer Research for 2013-2014. Read More

Chancellor: Four ideas will define Vanderbilt’s destiny

Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos announced four foundational ideas that will guide Vanderbilt as it defines itself in a new century during a speech April 3 at Spring Faculty Assembly. Read More

Dillehay, Barz and three others win awards at Faculty Assembly

Five Vanderbilt faculty were recognized with awards at the Spring Faculty Assembly, including an ethnomusicologist who fights the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa and a champion for minority students in gifted education programs. Read More

Vanderbilt celebrates National Walking Day

The Vanderbilt community celebrated National Walking Day April 3 with a group walk that began at Medical Center North and ended on Library Lawn. Read More

Video captures excitement of Signing Day at Vanderbilt

Coach James Franklin and the Vanderbilt Commodores landed the best football recruiting class in school history earlier this year, and Vanderbilt Video was there to capture the historic day. Read More

Sports concussion seminar April 30

The Vanderbilt Sports Concussion Center is hosting a free educational seminar on sports concussion on Tuesday, April 30. Experts in neurology and sports medicine will… Read More

American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant applications due May 1

Applications are being solicited for support by the American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant (IRG). These funds are designed to provide seed money to support… Read More

Workshop featuring Coach James Franklin, others to address managing staff effectively

This workshop is the first in the Leadership, Education and Development Series (LEADS). The Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt presents “Managing the… Read More

“Silent” B cells trigger autoimmunity

Immune cells that recognize self antigens (e.g. insulin), but are functionally silent, can trigger autoimmune diseases such as diabetes. Read More

‘The Flipped Classroom and Peer Instruction’ lecture April 4

If you’re interested in improving student learning in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields or in large classes of any discipline, you won’t… Read More

Impact Symposium: Leymah Gbowee

Watch Leymah Gbowee, a 2011 Nobel laureate, speak at Vanderbilt's Impact Symposium March 19, 2013. Read More

Pint’s lab brings first ALD systems to Vanderbilt

Cary Pint’s lab – Nanomaterials and Energy Devices Laboratory in Olin Hall – is close to completion and it brings to Vanderbilt its first two atomic layer deposition (ALD) systems, relatively small tools that deposit atomically thin layers of material on virtually any surface. Read More

Expert: North Korea’s saber-rattling intended as distraction to nation’s real problems

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is either leading his country’s military or being led by that military into a rhetorical battle with the United States, South Korea and Japan that he and his generals cannot win, according to James Auer, director of Vanderbilt’s Center for U.S.-Japan Studies and Cooperation. Read More

Telerobotic system designed to treat bladder cancer

An interdisciplinary collaboration of engineers and doctors at Vanderbilt and Columbia Universities has designed a robotic microsurgery system specifically designed to treat bladder cancer, the sixth most common form of cancer in the U.S. and the most expensive to treat. Read More

‘Learning and the MOOC’ continues April 4

The Center for Teaching is hosting an online conference that features presentations by nearly two dozen faculty and administrators from colleges and universities around the world experimenting with massive open online courses. Read More

The trouble with car title loans is NOT people losing their cars

Less than 10 percent of vehicles involved in car title loans end up being repossessed, according to a new study by a professor from Vanderbilt Law School. Read More

Former Israeli prime minister to speak at Vanderbilt April 7

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak will speak at Vanderbilt in his first appearance on a college campus since ending his term as Israel’s minister of defense in March 2013. Read More

Fingers and toes: joint forming factor

The gene Has2 participates in signaling that is important in developing fingers and toes, and may have relevance for cancer development. Read More