
See ‘Cinderella’ performance at Barnes & Noble

Dance Theatre of Tennessee will give an extended preview of their upcoming production of Cinderella at 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 1, at… Read More

Free orientation for stress reduction series April 30

A free orientation event for the Vanderbilt Center for Integrative Health’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction series is scheduled for Tuesday, April 30. Read More

Longtime College of Arts and Science faculty named as emeriti

The Vanderbilt Board of Trust has approved the awarding of emeriti honors to 14 distinguished, longtime College of Arts and Science faculty. The professors will be honored at Commencement ceremonies on May 10. Read More

Event to connect inventors and entrepreneurs April 30

Venture Match, a “speed dating” event to match entrepreneurs and inventors, will be held April 30 at the University Club of Nashville. Read More

Meet the Titans at Mayor’s Field Day; Vanderbilt volunteers needed

Learn fun, new ways to be active at the 2013 Mayor's Field Day, a free event May 4 at LP Field. Read More

Phi Beta Kappa initiation May 9

Vanderbilt’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the liberal arts honorary society, will hold its annual initiation at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, May 9,… Read More

Be an AmbassaDore and foster international friendship

The 2012-13 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows at Vanderbilt. (Vanderbilt University) Would you like to get involved on campus and develop international friendships? The… Read More

Latest research on key education policies to be presented April 27 – May 1

The latest research on the nation’s key education issues will be presented by Vanderbilt University Peabody College faculty April 27 - May 1 at the American Educational Research Association’s annual conference in San Francisco. Read More

Setting mosquito hearts racing

Vanderbilt researchers have figured out how to set the mosquito's heart racing, helping them understand how the insect's immune system works and the methods that mosquito-borne parasites like those that cause malaria and yellow fever employ to circumvent it. Read More

Vanderbilt professor receives AERA Outstanding Book Award

The American Educational Research Association (AERA) will present its 2013 Outstanding Book Award to Vanderbilt University professor Christopher Loss for "Between Citizens and the State: The Politics of American Higher Education in the 20th Century." Read More

Celebration of Teaching is May 3

The Center for Teaching and the Graduate School will honor the achievements of the Vanderbilt teaching community at the annual Celebration of Teaching May 3 at The Commons Center. Read More

Aerospace club wins payload design category of annual NASA rocket contest

For the fourth year in a row, the Best Payload Design award went to the Vanderbilt Aerospace Club in the 12th annual NASA University Student Launch Initiative Sunday, April 21, in a field at Bragg Farms in Toney, Ala. This is the sixth year the club has entered the national rocketry competition. Read More

Understanding cultural motivations in the Boston Marathon bombings

As Americans attempt to grapple with the motives behind the Boston Marathon bombings, it is important not to see the two Chechen brothers suspected in the deadly attacks through the same prism Read More

M. Eric Johnson named dean of Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management

Former Owen Graduate School of Management professor M. Eric Johnson will return as dean beginning July 1, leaving the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Read More

New pricing structure announced for 2013-14 University Central parking permits

The pricing structure of regular parking permits for University Central faculty and staff will change for the 2013-14 academic year. Read More

Faculty directors named for new College Halls

As Moore and Warren Colleges take shape at the corner of West End and 21st avenues, two award-winning faculty members have been named to lead the new residential colleges that are part of the College Halls at Vanderbilt system. Read More

Vanderbilt makes switch from coal power to natural gas

Vanderbilt University will replace its coal-fired co-generation facility, converting it to burn natural gas to meet the power needs of the university and medical center. Read More

Vanderbilt Police establishes new emergency preparedness unit

The Vanderbilt University Police Department has established a new unit dedicated to preparing for and managing emergency situations, such as those related to severe weather, large special events, dignitary visits and Vanderbilt sporting events and concerts. Read More

Discounts tickets on ‘Grey’ parody, ‘Lion King’ and more

Discounts are now available for Vanderbilt staff and faculty on several popular TPAC shows. Read More

2013 Hamblet Award recipient named

Vanderbilt’s Department of Art has announced this year’s recipient of the prestigious Margaret Stonewall Wooldridge Hamblet Award: Hanna Yarbrough Rodgers from Collierville, Tenn. Read More