Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 7:19 AM
Subject: myVU Preview Dec. 3: H1N1 shots available next week, Owen Dean re-appointed, New Naval ROTC commanding officer
myvu preview myVUVanderbilt
Thursday - December 3, 2009 submit a story idea »

Flu/H1N1 Vaccine concept @ Home, Toronto - Ontario (Sept 26th, 2H1N1 shots available to all faculty and staff next week

For the first time, the H1N1 influenza vaccine will be available without exception to faculty and staff next week. Previous availability has been limited to high-risk individuals.

Jim Bradford smallBradford re-appointed at Owen

Jim Bradford has been re-appointed dean of Vanderbilt’s Owen Graduate School of Management for a five-year term, effective July 1.

Captain Hopkins smallNaval ROTC welcomes new commanding officer

The Vanderbilt Naval ROTC unit has a new commanding officer. Capt.  James “Jamie” Hopkins has assumed command after serving a one-year tour in Iraq as a senior military advisor.

VUhomepageUpdated homepage features admissions, video and more

The Vanderbilt homepage received a facelift this week with new features to help visitors more easily find content they seek and to showcase the university’s increasing use of video and social media.

Global consignment with cardboard textureInternational shipping seminar Dec. 16

Anyone who ships items internationally or may do so in the future is encouraged to attend a special seminar for University Central faculty and staff from noon to 1 p.m. Dec. 16 in Room 101 Buttrick Hall.

SurveyInternational shipping survey

If you currently ship items internationally or will in the future, please take a few minutes to complete this survey.

100 Oaks smallA visit to Vanderbilt Health One Hundred Oaks

Visitors to Vanderbilt Health One Hundred Oaks are likely first to notice the expansive walkways and towering ceilings. With more than 500,000 square feet of clinic space, thoroughfares and waiting areas, the development is impressive, to be sure. But a closer look reveals attention to the smallest detail.

Turkey GiveawayTurkey giveaway set for Dec. 18

The annual employee turkey giveaway is set for 6 a.m. to midnight Friday, Dec. 18 in Langford Auditorium.

BudgetNew DIY program continues with budgeting workshop

The Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center is kicking off a new series of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) workshops. Join us Mon, Dec. 7, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in Sarratt 189 for “Budget: Doing it yourself—for real.”

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*  This Week

Dec. 4: VU Women’s & Men’s Basketball Games

Dec. 7: “The Renaissance Attachment to Things: Material Culture in Last Wills and Testaments.” Samuel Kline Cohn

Dec. 8: “Childhood Bullying: It’s Not Just About Lunch Money.” Dr. Bradley W. Freeman

Dec. 8: Hanging of the Green Celebration at Peabody

Dec. 8: Psychiatry in the Movies – “Rachel Getting Married”

Dec. 9: Thinking Out of the (Lunch) Box – Ifeoma C.K. Nwankwo

Dec. 9: BCC Pre-Kwanzaa Celebration

Dec. 10: CTP Leadership Development Breakfast Featuring Graham Reside

* Mark Your Calendars

Dec. 13: Festival of Lessons and Carols

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Sign Up for a Clinical Trial

H1N1 Flu Vaccine Research Study


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Open House in Department of Art Dec. 3

New neuroscience textbook focuses on brain evolution

Siren test Dec. 5

Epidemiology informational meeting Dec. 4

New Health and Wellness podcast: FMLA – what is it and can I use it?

Travel Web site training sessions available

more announcements »

Featured Media

VU Concert Choir

Watch: Vanderbilt University Concert Choir

Watch video of a  Nov. 1, 2009, performance by the Vanderbilt University Concert Choir – the oldest performing group on campus – performing choral works of all genres. The event took place at Ingram Hall with David Binns Williams, director .

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Tune in to VUCast, for audio and video of events happening around campus. You can also find VU podcasts on iTunes and VU videos on YouTube.

FROM VANDERBILT VIEW: The Fred Coe Artist in Residence fosters creativity and exploration, vital ingredients in Vanderbilt’s theater education experience

David AlfordIt’s late afternoon, and several students have gathered near the stage in Neely Auditorium, home of Vanderbilt University Theatre. They talk amiably about a long day of classes, their academic workloads, the parts they will play that evening in VUT’s production of The Beauty Queen of Leenane and what led them to study theater in the first place.

David Alford, an accomplished actor and the former executive artistic director of Tennessee Repertory Theatre, listens with interest, asking questions from time to time. After several minutes of conversation, he directs a pair of students to take the stage.

FROM SPORTS: Soccer earns national academic award

SoccerVanderbilt soccer was honored with the National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA) Team Academic Award for the 2008-09 academic year.

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