Search Result For: Education & Psychology
Bruce Compas
Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Psychology and Human Development, Professor of Pediatrics, Co-Director of Clinical Psychology Training, and Director of Psychology at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
An expert on how stress affects the physical and mental health of children and families, and the power of coping and preventative measures.
William Doyle
Associate Professor of Public Policy and Higher Education
An expert on how geography affects higher education attainment and the state of the financial aid system in America.
Lisa Fazio
Associate Professor of Psychology and Human Development
Expert on how people process true and false information, and how to mitigate the effects of reading and sharing false information.
Andrew Finch
Associate Professor of the Practice, Department of Human and Organizational Development; Core Faculty, Human Development Counseling
An expert who specializes in recovery high schools, substance use disorders, teen addiction and school counseling.
Douglas Fuchs
Professor of Special Education and Nicholas Hobbs Chair of Special Education and Human Development and Professor Pediatrics in the Vanderbilt University Medical School
Special education expert on interventions for children with learning disabilities and behavior disorders.
Jason Grissom
Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Public Policy and Education
An expert in K-12 leadership and policy and the impacts of school and district leaders on teacher and student outcomes.
Carolyn Heinrich
University Distinguished Professor of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations
An expert in k-12 education public policy, economics, healthcare and impact of opioids on families.
Kathryn L. Humphreys
Associate Professor of Psychology and Human Development
A clinical psychologist with expertise in infant mental health.
Nicole M. Joseph
Assistant Professor, Mathematics Education Teaching and Learning
An expert in the barriers that Black women and girls face in the STEM field and STEM classroom.
David Lubinski
Professor of Psychology and Human Development; Co-Director, Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY); Investigator, Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development
An expert who co-leads the foremost longitudinal study of gifted individuals in the world.
Rich Milner
Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Education, Department of Teaching and Learning
Expert on urban education and teacher education, centering on equity and diversity.
Maury Nation
Associate Professor, Core Faculty, Human Development Counseling
An expert in restorative justice, suspensions, equity for students of color and restorative discipline practices.
Marybeth Shinn
Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair, Department of Human and Organizational Development
Expert in how to prevent and end homelessness
Claire Smrekar
Associate Professor of Leadership, Policy and Organizations
An expert who studies K-12 school choice, charters, magnet schools, vouchers, private schools and segregation.
Georgene Troseth
Associate Professor of Psychology
An expert in how toddlers' brains process (and learn from) what they see on screens, TV and video chat.
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