Academic Integrity Week celebrates 150 years of honor at Vanderbilt

A black and white image of a building on campus

Vanderbilt will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the university’s Honor System March 24–28 with Academic Integrity Week. This celebration hosted by Student Accountability, Community Standards and Academic Integrity will bring together students, faculty and staff to honor the tradition of academic integrity that has shaped the university’s culture for a century and a half. 

The Academic Integrity Week Kickoff Celebration will be Monday, March 24, 2:30–4:30 p.m. on Alumni Lawn. Students will be invited to sign the Honor Code Pledge as a reminder of the promise made at the Community Commitments Ceremony in the fall. Signatures will be displayed in Sarratt/Rand as a symbol of the Honor Council’s enduring legacy at Vanderbilt. This event will feature a visual display of the Honor System’s history, custom T-shirt printing, integrity-themed games and prizes, and a variety of local cuisine. Students, faculty and staff are invited to join the celebration! 

Since the university’s first classes were held in 1875, Vanderbilt has remained steadfast in its commitment to ensuring that honesty, trust and integrity are central to the student experience. A cornerstone of this commitment is the Honor System, a peer-regulated framework that has strengthened the academic profile of the university for 150 years. By adhering to the Honor Code, students cultivate a strong foundation for success that extends well beyond their years at Vanderbilt. 

G.L. Black, vice provost and dean of students, reflects, “The Vanderbilt Honor System has been a foundation of Vanderbilt’s campus for 150 years. It’s about more than just academics—it’s about equipping our students with values that will guide them as they enter the world and their chosen field. Their integrity, which they have continued to develop and practice here, will not only shape their individual success, but also influence the communities they will join and shape in the future.”