Faculty Senate meeting Thursday, March 6 

All Vanderbilt faculty are invited to attend the Faculty Senate meeting on Thursday, March 6, from 4:10 to 5:30 p.m. Voting members (elected senators and deans) are expected to attend in person, and the meeting will be on the second floor of the FacultyCommons Building at 1101 19thAve. S.      

A physical quorum is required for voting. All facultyand guests of thesenateare welcome to attend in person.  

The March meeting will include Vice Provost Padma Raghavan discussing federal funding. Vice Chancellor J. Nathan Green and Associate Provost Alan Wiseman will discuss the university’s government relations.  

Senators will vote on two resolutions: 

  • Faculty Manual resolution for Part IV of the manual that concerns grievances and disciplinary actions  
  • Senate Affairs resolution that requests senate participation on any COACHE survey follow-up committee and the release of full survey results  

The Faculty Senate is the representative and deliberative body of the faculties. Centrally involved in the governance of the university, it is made up of elected members, deans of the colleges and schools, and ex officio members—including the chancellor.Learn more about the Faculty Senate and your senator by visiting vanderbilt.edu/faculty-senate.