Faculty: Explore opportunities to get involved in Vanderbilt’s residential colleges at Open House on Nov. 7

Faculty who would like to learn more about serving in residential or programmatic roles within the university’s residential colleges system are invited to an open house on Thursday, Nov. 7, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons dean’s residence, located at 1235 18th Ave. S.   

At this information session, Melissa Gresalfi, dean of residential colleges and residential education and dean of The Ingram Commons, will provide a brief overview of the significance of faculty engagement within the residential colleges system, roles available to faculty and the application process. Time will be allotted for questions. RSVP to   

The residential colleges are a cornerstone of the Vanderbilt undergraduate student experience, a space where students are supported to curate their sense of self, pursue integrative learning, dialogue across difference, engage in advocacy, foster their leadership potential and forge global connections. As of today, the Vanderbilt residential colleges system includes the 10 houses on The Ingram Commons and the six upper-division colleges (Carmichael College, E. Bronson Ingram College, Moore College, Nicholas S. Zeppos College, Rothschild College and Warren College). Each house and college is led by a faculty head who lives in-residence with their family. Applications for these positions are rolling; openings are filled as they arise.   

Faculty interested in a faculty head position should complete the online application. As part of the application, you are asked to upload:   

  • a letter indicating your interest, including any relevant qualifications, experience or expertise  
  • a current CV  

A list of interested faculty is maintained on an ongoing basis. Faculty are contacted and interviewed through an expedited process as new opportunities emerge; thus, there is no set deadline for applications. Letters of interest remain active and on file for five years.   

If you are interested in learning more about the residential colleges system but are not yet ready to move onto campus, please consider a nonresidential opportunity, which includes teaching a Commons Seminar or serving as a faculty VUceptor. Faculty VUceptors facilitate Vanderbilt Visions and discuss the Campus Reading with students throughout the fall semester. The application process for faculty VUceptors opens in January 2025.