Project Safe: Celebrating 10 years of impact

Large group of students participating in Prevention Procession during Sexual Assault Awareness Month

On the 10th anniversary of its Project Safe Center, Vanderbilt celebrates a decade of work in sexual misconduct prevention, education and support. Since its establishment as an independent center in 2014, Project Safe has become a cornerstone of the university’s commitment to fostering a safer, more inclusive campus community. 

A Comprehensive Approach to Safety and Support 

Project Safe’s success stems from its holistic approach to addressing sexual misconduct, working closely with Title IX, Athletics, Greek Life, VUPS, Student Health and other campus partners. This integrated strategy ensures that every aspect of prevention, response and support is covered. One of the center’s standout contributions is its status as a limited confidential resource, which allows Vanderbilt community members access to crucial support services while preserving privacy, significantly enhancing trust and accessibility within the campus community. 

Cara Tuttle, director of the Project Safe Center, reflects on the center’s impact: “Our mission has always been to create a culture where safety and respect are fundamental. Over the past decade, we’ve made substantial strides in providing trauma-informed services and fostering a supportive environment for all members of our community.” 

Expansive Programming and Advocacy Services 

Project Safe’s robust programming spans a wide array of educational and supportive initiatives that are designed to prevent sexual misconduct and equip the Vanderbilt community with tools to promote safety and consent. Prevention programs like Bystander Intervention Training, Supporting a Survivor and Effective Consent have empowered students and community members to engage in healthy relationships, recognize the warning signs of abuse and intervene as active bystanders, and have provided participants with proactive strategies to prevent violence before it occurs. 

Beyond its prevention work, Project Safe offers advocacy services—a critical component of the center’s support framework. Confidential advocates offer assistance with safety planning, navigating the reporting process and securing academic or housing accommodations. This individualized support ensures those impacted by sexual misconduct are empowered to make informed decisions while receiving compassionate care tailored to their needs. 

National Leader in Prevention and Support 

Project Safe’s innovative approach has garnered national attention. Tuttle and Mary Roy, the university’s Title IX coordinator and director of the Title IX Office, will represent Vanderbilt as its working group representatives to the Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education at the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine. Tuttle will be showcasing Vanderbilt’s leadership at the Action Collaborative’s 2024 Public Summit, which will take place Oct. 15–16 at Michigan State University. Her presentation, titled “Approaches to Supportive Reporting Policies,” will highlight Project Safe’s limited confidentiality model and its effectiveness in providing support and shaping campus policies. Register to attend the free Public Summit online. 

Provost C. Cybele Raver commended the center’s achievements: “Project Safe has set a national standard for addressing sexual misconduct. Their innovative approach and dedication have made a significant impact not only at Vanderbilt, but across the higher education community.” 

Join Us in Celebrating 

To honor a decade of progress and the ongoing commitment of Project Safe, the Vanderbilt community is invited to the 10th Anniversary Reception on Oct. 8 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Project Safe Center. This event will celebrate the center’s accomplishments and its continued efforts to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all. 

As we reflect on the past decade and look forward to more progress, we acknowledge the vital role Project Safe plays in shaping a culture of safety, respect and inclusivity at Vanderbilt. Through comprehensive programming, trauma-informed advocacy services and a commitment to prevention, Project Safe continues to serve as a vital resource for the entire campus community.