Next Faculty Senate meeting is Thursday, Feb. 1 

All faculty are invited to the Faculty Senate meeting this Thursday, Feb. 1, at the Faculty Commons Building at 1101 19th Ave. S. from 4:10 to 5:30 p.m. 

Vice Chancellor for Communications Steve Ertel and Vice Chancellor for Government and Community Relations Nathan Green will provide remarks on advocacy strategies for faculty. Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Tracey George will provide an update on the report on salary and benefits.  

New business will be presented to the senate by the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee and the Faculty Manual Committee. Please review the materials linked below.  

Resolution 1: DEI Authorizing a Resolution Proposing that Vanderbilt University Establish an Indigenous Peoples Advisory Task Force 

Resolution 2: Faculty Manual Resolution for Changes to the Faculty Manual: Part I The University and Its Governance, Chapter 1 About Vanderbilt University, Sections B, C and new section E 

Resolution 3:Faculty Manual Resolution for Changes to the Faculty Manual Part II Appointment and Tenure, Chapter 1, Academic Titles 

Parking: To accommodate those who need nearby parking, limited free parking is available in Lot 130 from 4 to 6 p.m. The lot is off Grand Avenue, behind Chipotle and Starbucks, and will be marked “Faculty Senate Meeting.” 

If this parking area is full, paid spaces are available in Wesley Place Garage and in nearby annual parking lots (131B, 132, 111, 80, and 5A and 5B) as well as with a daily parking pass at the Wesley Place Garage.