You at VU: sexual violence prevention and education resources

All new students who have enrolled at Vanderbilt are required to complete sexual violence prevention training through Project Safe, Title IX and Vanderbilt University Public Safety. There also are online resourcesto help members of the Vanderbilt University community understand Title IX, the Clery Act and more. 


Bystander intervention training: Project Safe offers an inclusive, comprehensive approach to violence prevention that addresses barriers to and opportunities for intervention across all levels of the socioecological model. The model focuses on all community members as potential bystanders and seeks to engage them through awareness, education and skills practice in behaviors that establish intolerance of violence as the norm, as well as reactive interventions in high-risk situations, resulting in the reduction of violence. 

Effective consent: Project Safe offers programs to help students better understand effective consent. Project Safe staff are available to serve as speakers, panelists, moderators or facilitators for programs and events in the residence halls and work with interested students and student organizations. 

R.A.D. self-defense program: The Vanderbilt University Police Department offers the Rape Aggression Defense program, which teaches realistic self-defense tactics and techniques. The RAD system is dedicated to teaching defensive concepts and techniques against various types of assault through easy, effective and proven self-defense/martial arts tactics. The program aims to provide participants with the knowledge to make an educated decision about resistance. 

A full list of training options for students, faculty and staff is available online.  

Online Resources

Resources for those who have experienced sexual violence include: 

Vanderbilt’s Commitment

Vanderbilt takes seriously its responsibility to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct. Through university policies and the combined efforts of our Title IX Office, Project Safe Center for Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response, and Student Affairs, students have access to an array of prevention and support resources. 

Vanderbilt is committed to confronting and combating this societal problem and to providing members of the Vanderbilt community with the resources and support they need and deserve. View the university’s sexual misconduct policy on the Title IX website.  

You at VU

At Vanderbilt, fostering a deep sense of belonging for every community member is a core value. You at VU encompasses campus resources needed for members of the Vanderbilt community to be well, grow and thrive physically, emotionally, mentally, socially and professionally. The You at VU portal is a one-stop spot where students, staff and faculty can find ways to connect with others, engage across campus and discover well-being support and resources. Each person who is part of our campus shares one commonality: You belong here. For more information, visit