Four with a ‘Dore: Ilana Drake

(@vanderbiltu / Vanderbilt University)

In the Four With ‘Dore series, we’re getting to know Vanderbilt students four questions at a time. In today’s edition, meet #VU2025’s Ilana Drake, a New York City native double majoring in public policy studies and English with a minor in HOD.

Q: How are you Daring to Grow at Vanderbilt?
A: Vanderbilt is helping me get to my next destination by fostering my love for learning and curiosity. I feel like Vanderbilt is a place where you are able to take risks and be pushed by the people around you to dive into learning and try new things.

Q: What Vanderbilt professor has had the biggest impact on you?
A: Professor David Lewis because he teaches class in a way that makes it really fun. He brings a sense of love for learning to class which makes everyone really engaged.

Q: What is your biggest accomplishment as a Vanderbilt student?
A: My biggest accomplishment is impacting others. While I love school and I love classes, I also love doing work outside of that and being involved on campus. I was recently recognized by the chancellor as one of 40 undergraduate student change makers on campus.

Q: How have you found your sense of belonging at Vanderbilt?
A: The first is through Hillel. It’s really nice having a community for Shabbat dinners or just to hangout with. I’ve also participated in Tikkun Olam and ‘Dores for Israel with them, which were really fulfilling experiences. The second is through Dean’s Dinners. It’s been really fun to meet people and connect with new students by attending these events with the deans of various residential colleges and their guests.

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