Managers and leaders: Join the next Conversation Circle Sept. 14 to discuss the staff engagement survey

Join HR Employee Learning and Engagement for our next Conversation Circle, a series for managers and leaders, on Sept. 14 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. 

This session will focus on the staff engagement survey, including: 

  • How are you discussing the survey results with your team? 
  • When and how are you moving towards action planning? 
  • What are other departments and teams doing during this process? 

This peer-to-peer learning series gives supervisors, managers and leaders a space to share and discuss insights and best practices while building their peer networks. Each one-hour circle is geared toward a particular topic trending among managers at Vanderbilt. 

Conversation Circles are a space for sharing practical strategies and best practices, for interacting with peers who are in similar roles and for building your network.   

Conversation Circles are not a space for training on specific topics or policies, for talking through or venting about a specific challenge you are facing with your team or for asking specific HR questions. For these areas, we encourage you to reach out to the HR Consulting, Employee and Labor Relations team.   

Upcoming Conversation Circles sessions include: 

  • Oct. 26, 1–2 p.m., Managing Managers 
  • Nov. 9, 2–3 p.m., Succession Planning 

Here’s what participants in previous Conversation Circles shared: 

  • I really appreciated the Conversation Circle topic of Mental Health and Your Team. It was refreshing to able to speak candidly with other leaders and discuss ways we are all helping our employees through this unprecedented time. I liked being able to bounce ideas off each other and to know that we are all doing our best as managers to help our teams. — Christine Fogg, senior financial unit manager, Plant Operations & SEMO  
  • Grateful for interactive co-learning opportunities with colleagues! I appreciated the real-world examples shared in this session and the time to digest them with others at Vanderbilt with whom I may not otherwise get to collaborate. — Jackie Hansom, program manager, social innovation, at the Wond’ry, Vanderbilt’s Innovation Center   

Eligibility: Any employee in a managerial, supervisory or leadership role is invited to participate in these conversations. 

Conversation Circles are led by TaShunda Franklin, Chance Ryon and Krista Vaught from HR Employee Learning & Engagement, and the HR Consulting, Employee and Labor Relations team. The Conversation Circles are Level 3: Collaborate & Create, as peer-to-peer learning is heavily discussion-based.  

To register for Conversation Circles, please visit this direct link or search for “ELE” on SkyVu/Oracle under Learning.  

*Please note: Enrollment within Oracle is for the Conversation Circle series. We invite you to join us for any session that aligns with your interest and availability.  

Are you interested in submitting a discussion topic, sharing your strategies and experiences, or facilitating a Conversation Circle? We invite you to email TaShunda, Krista or your HR Consultant to share your ideas and interest.