Blasting scheduled as part of Frist Athletics Village project

As part of the south end zone project at FirstBank Stadium, blasting along Jess Neely Drive and within the south end zone construction area in the Frist Athletics Village will resume on Monday, August 28.

Blasting will occur weekdays at 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., weather permitting, for approximately two months. If delayed for any reason, the blasting will instead happen at 3 p.m.  

A series of three horn signals will precede each blasting period. The timing protocols are as follows: 

  • Five minutes before the blast—construction personnel will move to their designated perimeter posts, and an initial air horn warning signal will blare. 
  • Three minutes before the blast—construction personnel will block all pedestrian traffic at either side of Jess Neely Drive and at all egresses of the McGugin building, and a second air horn signal will blare. 
  • One minute before the blast—construction personnel will block all vehicle traffic near Jess Neely Drive, and one final air horn will blare.  

Signs will be posted nearby to advise pedestrians of the protocol. The blasts aren’t expected to be too disruptive, but they may cause a rumble and shake the ground.   

View more information about the project on the Central Utilities Initiative website and see updates on the project timeline here.   

Anyone with comments or questions should contact Campus Planning and Construction at