Limited Submission Opportunity: 2024 NEH Summer Stipends

Applications due June 29 

Vanderbilt University may nominate two candidates for the National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipends program.

Summer Stipends support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences or both. Funded projects usually result in articles, books, digital resources and publications, archaeological reports, translations or editions. Summer Stipends provide $6,000 for two consecutive months of research and writing. Awardees must work full time on their project and may hold other non-NEH sources of support (for example, sabbaticals and supplementary funding) or grants for the same project during the period of performance. See the following humanities definitions from NEH to determine whether your project fits the guidelines.

Summer Stipends support projects at any stage of development, but especially early-stage research and late-stage writing in which small awards are most effective. NEH funds may support recipients’ compensation, travel and other costs related to the proposed scholarly research.

See the program page and Notice of Funding Opportunity for more information. The site lists specific submission requirements, guidelines and evaluation criteria used in selecting recipients and provides examples of application narratives.


Faculty members with tenured or tenure-track positions who teach full-time at Vanderbilt University must be nominated to apply for a Summer Stipend. Non-tenure-track faculty, emeritus faculty and staff are exempt from the nomination requirement.

United States citizens, whether they reside inside or outside the U.S., are eligible to apply. Foreign nationals who have been living in the United States or its jurisdictions for at least the three years immediately preceding the application deadline are also eligible.

Internal application instructions

Interested faculty should visit to submit an application for the internal LSO competition and to find additional information about the opportunity. The deadline for the internal competition is June 29, 2023.

Required internal submission materials include:

  1. Narrative (max. 3 pages)
  2. Resume (max. 2 pages)
  3. Bibliography (max. 1 page)
  4. Work plan (max. 1 page)

Any questions about this opportunity or the LSO process may be directed to